
Peppa Pig | Mountain Climbing | Peppa Pig Official | Family Kids Cartoon

i’m peppa pig
this is my little brother george
this is mummy pig
and this is daddy pig
today pepper and her friends have come
to the climbing center grumpy rabbit is
in charge hello children today
we’re mountain climbing
is it difficult yes but it’s fun too
i’ve climbed many mountains have you
ever got stuck
yes once i was climbing a mountain and i
couldn’t go up or down
what did you do
i called mountain rescue
they came and saved me using a
not helicopter
rescue by a helicopter brilliant yes but
that won’t be happening today we haven’t
got mountains we got climbing walls we
call this one mount snowden it’s just
like a veal mountain apart from the fact
it’s little and made of plastic ah
and you’re good to be wearing safety
what are the bubbly color bits you use
them to put your hands and feet on like
who wants to go me please
like this
very good bedroom
which bubbly bits do i use any color you
want okay i’ll do yellow
suzy sheep is climbing using the yellow
bobbly bits
peppa is using the blue bubbly bits this
is fun
george would you like a go
george has climbed to the very top
well done george
my little brother is the best at
that was our little climbing wall
now for our big one
may i present mount everest
mount everest is very high yes which is
why nobody climbs mount everest without
a safety rope
if i want to stop
i simply come down gently on the rope
who wants to go first
are you sure george
remember you can come down anytime on
the rope
george is climbing mount everest wow
oh my goodness that is high george has
reached the top
brilliant climbing
oh dear george is a little bit worried
hang on george mommy’s coming stop you
can’t climb without a rope it’s against
the rules no time for rules i have to
rescue george
mommy’s here
do you feel better now george
george is not worried anymore
good dad you come george
well done george
hello what about me
how do i get down
hmm for you we will have to call
mountain rescue
mountain rescue please oh god you’re not
stuck up a mountain again
not me it’s mummy pig she’s on mount
everest what the actual man’s everest no
the plastic one i’ll be right there
mummy pig is rescued
mummy was it fun being rescued uh it was
kind of fun i suppose mummy pig loves
mountain climbing
everyone loves mountain climbing