
Peppa Pig – Miss Rabbit’s Day Off (37 episode / 3 season) [HD]

i’m peppa pig
this is my little brother george
this is mummy pig
and this is
rabbit’s day off peppa george and susie
sheep have had a sleepover at rebecca
rabbit’s house
it’s fun having carrots for breakfast
mummy rabbit yes we always have carrots
for breakfast i could eat carrots all
day but i’d better go to work have a
nice day bye bye
mummy rabbit why don’t you work i do
work susie who do you think looks after
these two little bunnies you do mommy
and you can help me by tidying up your
toys please before someone trips over
that’ll be my sister hello hello miss
rabbit auntie i can’t stop long i’ve got
lots of work to do today i’ve got the
supermarket checkout the ice cream stall
and the bus to drive see you later then
sister bye sister
miss rabbit has tripped over one of
richard’s toys oh my ankle i can still
hop to work
you stay here and get better but i’ve
got so much work to do i’ll do your work
for you which job is first the
supermarket okay rebecca look after your
auntie yes mommy
mummy rabbit has arrived at the
supermarket thank goodness you’re here
miss rabbit miss rabbit is ill i’ll be
doing her job today are you not miss
rabbit no i’m her sister mummy rabbit is
this where i sit uh yes have you ever
worked to check out before no how much
is this
oh i don’t know i’ve got a voucher do
you take book tokens can i pay with a
card um
susie sheep is dressed up in her nurse’s
costume don’t worry i’m only a pretend
stick your tongue out and say ah
rebecca rabbit’s house who’s speaking
it’s mummy rabbit is everything okay yes
good because this job is gonna take me
all day what about miss rabbit’s other
jobs we’ll need more help
miss rabbit’s ice cream stall daddy why
are you buying an ice cream oh peppa i
was on the way to the gym when i thought
an ice cream would be nice miss rabbit
is ill you’ve got to sell the ice cream
today oh oh i’m an expert at ice cream
can i have a cherry ice cream uh
strawberry vanilla chocolate banana with
pistachio and strawberry place ah
it’s melted how about ice cream soup
granddad dogs breakdown service
this rabbit is ill
can you drive a bus today of course
all aboard
mummy sheep’s car has broken down
granddad dogs breakdown service
can you rescue me please i’ll be
straight there
we would like to apologize for any
this may cause your journey
driving a plus is quite hard
selling ice cream is quite hard running
a supermarket checkout is quite hard
uh i’m feeling better can i get up now
you must lie very still but please keep
are you feeling any better miss rabbit
it’s not easy doing all your jobs it’s
not easy looking after your little
we will be back to work tomorrow won’t
you yes and you’ll be back at home won’t
you yes