
Peppa Pig Learns to Make Pizza

it is almost lunchtime at Pippa’s house what does everyone fancy for lunch today um can we have pizza pizza pizza good idea let’s make pizza oh oh I’m a bit of an expert at making pizza can George and me help of course to make pizza we need flour tomatoes cheese and for toppings we’ve got all sorts of nice things sweet corn mushrooms olives pineapples George likes pineapple on his pizza ah pineapple on pizza no that’s just not right in fact i think pineapple on pizza is against the law silly daddy it is actually not against the law to put pineapple on pizza um daddy
can we make funny faces on top of the pizzas of course we can but before we start cooking we have to wash our hands [Music] let’s wipe the table clean and put our aprons on right let’s make pizza pizza pizza Peppa George could you please mix this flower and water together with your [Music] all fingers and stretchy perfect I’m just going to knead it we sprinkle a little flour on the table so the dough doesn’t stick you need to be big and strong to need dough i am big and strong and George is big and strong too that’s enough kneading let’s make the dough into four balls one two
three four and we roll them flat with a rolling pin ah it looks like a pizza now but an expert pizza maker doesn’t need a rolling pin watch this [Music] daddy has a pizza on his head this one can be mine Peppa George please smooth the tomato over the pizzas i like making pizza it’s lovely and messy oh good that’s enough smoothing and splashing now for the cheese remember daddy we’re making funny faces of course I’ll use mushrooms to make eyes and olives for the smile and I ‘ll use onion for eyes and basil leaves for the mouth I’m doing little tomatoes for the eyes and sweet corn for the mouth George is using pineapple for the eyes and cheese for the mouth i like funny faces [Music] while they cook we can tidy up all this mess um you and mommy can tidy up and
George and i can do some playing Peppa and George like playing mummy and daddy pig like tidying up Peppa George lunch is ready yay mommy your pizza looks like you oh thank you very much and your pizza looks like you daddy it looks nothing like me I must say your pizza does look like you pepper does it oh goody and George’s looks like George these are the best pizzas in the world ever Peppa loves pizza everybody loves pizza