Peppa Pig | Jelly | Peppa Pig Official | Family Kids Cartoon

I’m Peppa Pig this is my little brother
this is Mummy Pig and this is Daddy Pig
Peppa Pig
jelly Mummy Pig is working on her
Mommy can me and George play on the
computer sorry Peppa I’ve got a lot of
important work to do today oh you too
can help me in the kitchen okay there’s
a cupboard in here that needs a jolly
good tidy
could you pass me a pan please here’s a
pan Daddy thank you Peppa
thank you George what is this funny
thing that is a special bowl for making
jelly oh I like jelly can we make some
jelly good idea Peppa maybe it could be
a surprise for Mummy Pig yes
first we need to go to the shops and get
everything we need to make jelly goodbye
mommy pig we’re just popping out okay
see you later
Daddy Pepper and George have come to the
day what things do we need to make jelly
well we don’t need flour or eggs or milk
or butter to make jelly we just need a
jelly it doesn’t look very wibbly or
wobbly we add water to make it wibbly
wobbly oh what flavor do you want
cheese George likes cheese I don’t think
they have cheese jelly George oh there
is strawberry orange or lemon flavor
I like strawberry remember the jelly is
for Mummy Pig what do you think she
would like ah
friend George hello Miss Rabbit can you
King let me see are you making jelly yes
I love jelly or wibbly wobbly and
we’re back home Mummy Pig very good
right let’s make jelly first we open the
packet and take out the jelly cubes
we break the jelly cubes into a bowl and
add some hot water a grown-up must do
this bit and stir the water has come
strawberry color yes the jelly cubes
have melted now we can pour it into the
jelly mold
the fridge will make it go cold and
wobbly how long will it take not long
let’s set the timer
when the timer goes pink the jelly will
be ready
in a long time while we wait let’s make
mummy a card to go with the Jelly yes
Pepper and George are drawing a jelly
card for Mummy Pig very good what should
we write inside
um dear mummy all this jelly is for you
love from Peppa and George kiss kiss
um please can you share your jelly with
Peppa and George
and can daddy have some too lovely
the timer has gone ping and the jelly is
ready we just turned the mold over on
the plate and out pops up sorry it’s
wibbly and it’s wobbly
blah blah blah the end
my pig has finished her important work
how wonderful we made jelly my favorite
and it’s all for you and so for me and
George and daddy whippy wobbly jelly
thank you
honey and Daddy Pig Pepper and George
like jelly Everyone likes jelly
jelly on a plate jelly on a plate Wibble
wobble Wibble wobble jelly on a plate
on a plate