
Peppa Pig – Granny and Grandpa’s Attic

Oh hello Peppa
hello George bye bye see you later see
you later where’s granny pig hello my
little one that is granny pigs voice but
where is she
granny pig granny pig damn being why is
granny in the roof we’re tidying the
what’s the Attic it’s where we keep all
our old things like you grandpa pig haha
things that are even older than me can
we help ok very top of the house that’s
the door to the Attic oh how do we get
up there I have a clever trick hello my
little ones it’s granny come on up this
is our attic wow it’s very full yes it’s
full of old junk peppa and George are
here to help us throw some things out
good let’s start by throwing out this
box oh not that box do we really need
this that’s my ship in a bottle
aunt this that’s my other ship in a
and these they’re my other ships in
bottles I need them all well we have to
throw something out how about this box
no my hats
oh yeah we can’t decide what to throw
out I know we let pepper and George
decide ok
that’s far away this is oh not that one
this isn’t just any old case
it’s a record player boom and this was
our favorite record can we play it yes
oh we haven’t heard it for years oh this
takes me back
mummy pig is here to pick up pepper and
George hello where are you
mummy pig can’t find anyone what’s that
noise we’ve been dancing planning
grandpa’s favorite record yes granny and
Grandpa played it all the time
oh and here’s the record I used to play
when I was a little piggy what is it
it’s called
birdy birdy woof woof not birdy birdy
woof woof
you were always playing that I thought
we’d throw that out ages ago the Baird
scale one and the dogs scale tweet look
please woof woof woof woof please move
em cows go ha ha ha they’re scale and
the dogs scale it
Oh Wolfie they eat their move and the
cows go that was fun
but we were supposed to be finding some
things to throw out pepper
what should we throw out and what should
we keep hmm I think you should keep
