
Peppa Pig – Grandpa’s Little Train

Peppa and George have come to play
granny and Grandpa’s garden what’s that
grandpa’s making something hello peppa
and George that’s perfect timing
I’ve just finished making it and may we
ask what it is hey I’ll show you some
Wow toy train it’s not a toy
this is Gertrude she’s a miniature
locomotive but doesn’t it need railway
tracks to run on Oh No
I fitted Gertrude with car wheels so she
can go anywhere she likes oh grandpa can
we ride in Gertrude hop aboard steam
ahead George love grandpa’s little train
can go choo-choo choo-choo choo-choo
tanka cheese you cheese all day take it
on the shiny come on only going on oh
and the piggies on the train go oh all
day long here is granddad dog with Danny
dog ​​hello Danny what I see a playing toy
trains toy
Gertrude isn’t a toy how’s your little
Laurie little Laurie my breaks down
truck there’s a proper work vehicle
what granddad’s can I write on the train
hmm it’s your choice Danny if you’d
rather play trains and expand dad this
rabbit is driving the school bus and to
our left we can see some Hill with trees
all Peppa’s friends are here can we ride
on the train
um I’m giving the children and
educational bus tour our trains
educational they certainly are uh hands
up all those who want to ride on the
train and hands up all those who want to
stay on the bus okay you can all go on
the train and I’ll follow along behind
what a lot of mud you don ‘t want to get
stuck maybe we should go a different way
it’s only a patch of mud come on the bus
is stuck in the mud Oh bother
oh hello miss rabbit how are you today
I’m a bit stuck can you rescue me
certainly is your truck strong enough
trust me
did it work uh no we need a vehicle with
more power can I help in any way it’s
nothing that I can’t deal with thanks
I’ve got an idea lumbar pigs train can
tow me out of the mud uh good thinking
miss rabbit grandpa’s little train is
going to pull the bus after the mud
falls rude
oh well done it’s amazing walking me
down by a toy train
toy god Trude isn’t a toy
Gertrude is the very best train in the
whole world
