Peppa Pig – Grandpa at the Playground

Grandpa is looking after pepper and
George today know what a slide is pepper
I used to play on one myself when I was
a little piggy
we had swings and climbing frames and
roundabouts but my favorite was the
slide he’s my favorite everyone takes it
in turns to have a go on the slide you
know you have to wait your turn Richard
rabbit finds it hard to wait his turn
oh dear it’s not easy being small is it
Richard because Richard is little I
don’t think you should have to wait I
wouldn’ t change the rules if I were you
grandpa peg nonsense the children
understand don’t you
so he shouldn’t have to wait either
Richard and George are taking all the
turns on the slide don’t worry Peppa
they won’t be on it for long here is
Pedro pony on the swing
I just want to swing a bit more peg can
you push me a little bit please I think
it is someone else’s turn now Pedro but
I have to go home soon
oh I see that’s different let me push
you then grandpa pig I was actually here
first ah then you can get back on the
roundabout I need to get on – why is
Rebecca hmm because it’s my birthday
soon oh okay
all right is everybody ready
stop there are no boys on the roundabout
now is everybody ready I’m having
glasses cry calm please the children are
making up their own rules I need to get
them because I like carrots now are you
all ready to go no we have to get on
because here is mummy pig
how are you getting on grandpa pig I’m
these playground rules are too
complicated there is only one rule
grandpa pig and that is everyone waits
their turn what even the little ones
even the little ones even the very old
ones like Grandpa at the playground
everyone has their turn
