Peppa Pig – George Catches a Cold

George captures our cold today it is
raining a little bit
pepper George put your rain clothes on
when it rains peppa and George must wear
their rain clothes George does not like
wearing his rain hat
George you must keep your hat on why
because you must keep dry why because
you might catch a cold
why George do you want to play in the
garden then keep your hat on
Georgie going to jump in muddy puddles
George does not want to wear his rain
George come inside the rains to heavy to
play oh oh oh George where’s your hat
catch it George has caught a cold
ah-choo oh poor little George you don’t
sound well ok don’t worry I ring dr.
brown bear dr. brown bear speaking I see
put George to bed and I’ll be straight
thank you dr. brown bear goodbye oh whoa
George be taken to hospital and give the
medicine no George just has to go to bed
oh so George isn’t really properly el ha
ha that’s disgusting
poor George let’s get you straight to
George you have to stay in bed for a bit
George does not want to stay in bed
gee George you have to stay in bed until
you are better why because you have to
keep warm why
because dr. brown bear says so hello
where’s my patient open wide and say ah
George is a little bit worried hmm
pepper you’re big and brave can you show
George how to say ah of course ah mmm
George has caught a cold
does George need medicine no but he can
have some nice warm milk at bedtime to
help him sleep
thank you dr. brown bear you’re welcome
goodbye George has been in bed all day
now it is Peppa’s bedtime George are you
better watch it George is not better
passion George
please don’t Smee so loudly huh this is
George here’s some nice warm milk to
help you sleep the warm milk makes
George feel very very sleepy good night
my little piggies ah it’s so nice and
quiet it is morning George has slept
very well George is better
come on everyone it’s a lovely sunny day
George is wearing his rain hat he
doesn’t want to catch another cold Oh
George you don’t need to wear your hat
why because it’s hot and sunny
why George can you stop saying why all
the time why George
sir please better
