
Peppa Pig Full Episodes |Sailing Boat #27

I’m Peppa pig
this is my little brother George
this is mummy pig
and this is daddy pig
sailing boat
grandpa pig is taking Peppa and George
sailing ahoy there grandpa pig here are
mr stallion and mrs corgi they are
members of the sailing club hello
we’re just going out for a sale
it’s a bit early for sailing yes you
can’t go sailing now thank you for your
advice see you later grandpa your friend
said that we can’t go sailing yet
they don’t know what they’re talking
oh bother grandpa’s boat is stuck in the
there’s no water grandpa uh yes the tide
seems to be out so we can’t go sailing
don’t worry the water will come back
again soon and the boat will rise up
the water is coming back it certainly is
the water is lifting grandpa’s boat out
of the mud
we’re bobbing up and down
let’s go sailing
grandpa off we go
I love sailing
why are you there grandpa pig are you
okay though do you need any help or
advice earl chap we’re doing just fine
thank you bye
grandpa they’re going quicker than us
there’s no need to hurry when you’re
sailing up and
up and down
ahoy there grandpa pig time to head back
if you don’t want to miss the tide if
you leave it too late you’ll get stuck
in the mud
right you are
I don’t listen to them I know more about
the ties than they ever will
the boat bombs up the
the boat bob’s up
oh we’ve stopped bobbing ah the tide
seems to have gone out
are we stuck in the mud grandpa
yes but only until the tide changes then
the water will lift us up again when
will the water come back uh tomorrow
morning oh we’ll just have to spend the
night on the boot a sleepover hooray
I’d better give granny pig a call
hello hello granny pig we’ve decided to
spend the night out on the boat
you mean you’ve got the tides wrong no
no of course not uh I just was stuck in
the mud granny
I knew it it’s an adventure granny we’ll
see you in the morning
where will we sleep grandpa yeah
the boat has two little bunk beds
and I will sleep on deck under the
stars night night grandpa
night night Peppa and George
Peppa and George are asleep in the bunks
grandfather pig is asleep on the deck
the stars are twinkling in the sky above
it is morning
we’re bobbing up and down
look children the water is back
grandpa pig’s boat is floating again
time to sail home
granny pig has come to meet Peppa and
George granny pig thank you hello my
little ones did you have a nice time yes
we got stuck in the mud and had a
Peppa loves sailing everyone loves
up and down