
Peppa Pig English 2016 Season 1 Episode 14 – Flying a Kite

I’m Peppa Pig. This is my little brother George. This is mummy pig and this is Daddy Pig.


It is a bright sunny day Peppa and her family  are in the park. They are going to fly a kite George is going to fly the kite first George runs as fast as he can but the kite won’t fly George you’re doing it all wrong you didn’t run fast enough now it’s my turn pepper runs as fast as she can but the kite still won’t fly the kite won’t fly if there isn’t any wind no matter how fast you run oh we just have to wait until the wind picks up a bit now that it is windy the kite can fly with this white wind is a strong now daddy pig flies the kite daddy pig flies the kite very well yes I am a bit of an expert at thesethings watch out for the trees you might get the kite stuck in one don’t worry I know what I’m doing oh dear daddy pig has got the kite caught in a tree oh no don’t worry George daddy will get the kite down yes grapple there’s a big muddy puddle pepper and George love to jump in muddy puddles Kelly debit the puddle please no I don’t want you covered in mud Oh stand back children please be careful daddy pig I know what I’m doing please be careful daddy pig you are much too heavy for that branch nonsense I know exactly how heavy I am yeah daddy pig has rescued the kite oh dear everyone is covered inmud oh it’s only mud luckily daddy pig hasn’t hurt himself and the kite is out of the tree mummy never were all muddy can we jump in the puzzle oh I suppose so after all you can’t get any muddier and I think daddy pig is going to be doing the washing pepper George loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles mummy and daddy love jumping up and down in muddy puddles everyone loves jumping  up and down in muddy puddles jumping up and down in muddy puddles is just as much fun as flying the kite pig you.
