
Peppa Pig And Family Go Swimming

Peppa and her family are at the swimming
daddy pig is wearing his swimming
mummy pig is wearing her swimming
Peppa is wearing her swimming costume
hurry up George everyone’s waiting
George is wearing his swimming costume
Peppa George let daddy put on your
there George your armbands make you look
very grown up
now me
now we can go in the water
it is George’s first time at the
swimming pool why don’t you put just one
foot into the water
maybe you should try the other foot
maybe George should try both feet at the
same time oh good idea
but you don’t need to splash quite so
here is Rebecca rabbit with her little
brother Richard rabbit
hello Rebecca
hello everyone
Richard hold on to this float and you
can practice kicking your legs
George would you like to try kicking
your legs
very good but try not to splash
big children don’t splash we’re very
good at swimming
when George and Richard are older
they’ll be able to swim like us won’t
they Rebecca yes
Richard has a toy watering can
stop it Richard
oh dear Richard has dropped his watering
can into the pool
sorry Richard I can’t reach it’s too far
down mommy
i can’t swim underwater even i can’t
swim underwater hmm
please hold my glasses mummy
pig hooray
there you go
well done daddy pig
i am rather good at swimming underwater
the watering can is for babies
can we jump off the diving boards now
sorry Peppa diving boards are only for
grown-ups oh
cheer up you two you can watch me die
silly daddy your tummy is too big
nonsense I won trophies for my diving
when I was younger that was quite a long
time ago daddy pig it’s lucky I’ve kept
myself so fit and strong
please hold my glasses mummy pig
you’ll get a better view if you watch me
from the side
please don’t splash us with water daddy
of course I won’t splash you Peppa
i think I need a higher board please be
careful daddy pig yes don’t splash us
don’t worry Peppa
don’t splash us with water daddy
i told you I wouldn’t splash
well done daddy pig no need for my towel
I’ve got a special way of drying myself
daddy pig has splashed everyone with
water daddy pig sorry everyone