Joshua & Margaret Investigations! | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

let’s get started
these steaks are tough and stringy like
you oh good one dear hey after dinner
what do you say we’ve checked the ticker
type for new cases Margaret you’re on a
family way now you should take a back
seat from investigations oh come on
Joshua even with his ankle biter I’m as
quick as ever sure my waist is bigger
but that just means more bullets in my
ammo Bill you’re missing the point sugar
what if something bad happens let’s say
we’re out on the beat fighting some low
life he throws a punch you zig when you
shut a zagged and oops Junior takes a
knock to the Noodle comes out with a
shine of the size of a grapefruit I
can’t take that kind of guilt neither
can you I can take care of myself just
fine and besides these babies don’t come
cheap we need to work together as a team
to bring in the bread
yeah you got me there now let’s get over
to that ticker type and look for some
perps you relaxed air I got it
hmm let’s get a look here vampire girl
spotted in the grasslands harassing
sheep and cattle nope nope nope small
fire Goblin burns down Candy Kingdom
Forest hey that sounds fun let’s do that
wait wait here’s one
women’s pies go missing and you call it
Countryside where nothing ever happens
the perfect case for my pregnant wife
what now let’s get an egg in our shoe
and beat it
all right
yes hello afternoon Mr tree trunks we’re
Joshua and Margaret of Joshua and
Margaret investigations and this is our
boy we’re responding to a wire about
missing pies oh yes a monster’s been
stealing my pies off of the wind to seal
a monster hey
oh yes you can see the Monster tracks
leading off into the forest
well those tracks for his phone he has a
three dollar bill the monster tracks are
very real my husband told me so oh why
oh geez you got me what’s the big idea
Wyatt why’d you buggle your wife’s pie
because it’s amazing oh I can’t get
enough of it you could just ask for
seconds but I want thirds and fourths I
want to stop when I Wanna Stop oh Wyatt
oh it’s the only good part of my day
well there you have it the only monster
here was this man’s appetite for his
wife’s pie oh no but the Monster is real
he snuck up and rubbed my elbow while I
was gardening and left-handed candy corn
said it came in through the window and
touched him on the chest oh oh now I got
myself all scared but why won’t you
check around to make sure no one is out
there now of course probably nothing
more than a pee pee
these country uncles are all just
superstitious I bet you that old
elephants he’s a monster a day Joshua
look something way larger than Wyatt
made them these tracks look real hot
cram a beep beep monster oh this time
would surely put up a collection to NAB
this guy too bad you’re baking a bun we
got a pass
come on Joshua
ha ha Margaret Margaret wait for poppy
oh the tracks in here
hey hey beat it our girls
I’m stuck
Joshua the bee stopped dust oh God
