
Normal Man | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

go go
Finn parasite
what the heck to the top wait
almost there don’t bother that guy
ouch darn red ants
um dreams
ah shiny manticorp
please don’t hurt my brother this guy is
really freaking me out yes hello normal
man come and greet the dawning of your
Grimace day how I run
once trapped me are now about to royally
fight it you stand at the mercy of My
Boomerang and flamethrower I know I
really messed you up but glob has
nothing to do with this Unleash Your
wrath on me I won’t move why do you
sound so insincere that’s just my voice
normal man’s telling the truth yeah Finn
and Jake I respect you guys a ton but I
have trained for this Vengeance for
months I must seize this sparkling
moment falling grasping hand boomerang
what’s even a boomerang
oh my gosh I’ve been calling them
something different my whole life I’m
sorry Jake I’m just doing me right now
oh we’re still cool though not no more
kick his tiny butt
I hate this mountain Boomerang watch out
two boomerangs Could It Be My Moment
approaches Steady Hand steady heart look
out too bro can I just have this
my God’s not normal man whoa whoa whoa
let go we’re going to fall I’m not very
big I uh okay Upon reassessment This is
actually a great situation for me
farewell magic man like my hand I saw
boy Jake what
I’m coming I gotta save the dude oh God
planes never planes
Gob are you okay why did you rescue me I
wanted to bring you back to Mars they
need a ruler up there and I wanted to
apologize for being such a bean show for
hundreds of years whoa what maybe you
really have changed yeah right
I’m following to watch you bite it you
know what though magic man I’ve been
doing a lot of thinking up in orbit I
shouldn’t have shut you out when you got
excelled to who in some ways I too was a
total Bean show I guess neither of us
were perfect Brothers although you were
much much worse
so what now are we straight up just
going to die I guess so sorry
so your profile said you were into music
that’s crazy so am I it’s stressing me
out that there’s food on a blanket I
have to go home this was nice you don’t
know you’d get hurt
tiny what are you doing I could not go
through with my Vengeance it wouldn’t
have accomplished anything also you and
your brother are really sweet together
you’re hard to track but okay