No One Can Hear You | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

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  • No One Can Hear You | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

sure is great seeing you all here really
makes me think wow lady did you get
extra TP for all the potty people no
well we might have some Party Poopers
here and I want to be sure they don’t
wipe their buns on my cake can I join
your puppet party we’ll have twice the
puppet voices you won’t run away nah man
I’m with you happy birthday Jake really
Phil glad I can untie you buddy
check it out Finn finally made it to my
party and I have a surprise for you
close your eyes and don’t open them till
I tell you
you lied to me
what about my party don’t go hello
my God
surprise surprise surprise
you did this I did this ow they’ve been
waiting for me Finn for my b-day stop
I’m a woman I’m a woman
ring ring hang on Siri hello baby I told
you never to call me here
what what happened a deer scrumpt your
head and you lost your mind man you
imprisoned the Candy People for your own
sick birthday fantasy look
what no it’s not even close to my b-day
I’m so sorry you you did not do this
do this what then who did it
hit them
Jake you free the Candy People I’ll take
on the deer no yeah
thank you
nice we did it dude how’s your Noggin
not crazy anymore how’s your legs still
thank you for saving my kingdom boys the
deer wanted our sugar but I didn’t give
him any if you know what I mean
um phew it’s stinky in here yeah it’s
bad breath and eggs let’s go home so we
can get fast
it kissed me on the mouth and I was like
and then I was like oh cross go away
Brad and he was like oh you’re not ready
for me but what does that even mean you
what is it lumping mean
but answer me this princess what do you
want from me Brown you saw it was the
hottest one is that enough why’d you
have to
what did I write to you on your happy
birthday card two years ago word for
word Finn there’s no way I would
remember that I remember that you’re not
PB tie you up oh what wait you guys
a real ghost
I knew you were pranking me back you
it was all the setup the doors cinnamon
buns and oh stress and cinnamon
bunched me in the closet over there guys
guys guys come on you God
I can’t take this year guys I’m calling
my limping parents right now
ah I’m a glove I’m not ready
where did she go
I’m scared bro
open it
it won’t open
no you’re a fancy gloss
Jake princess
my God
got you dude two for two what I figured
out your plan months ago so I flipped
this grip oh yeah so everyone’s okay
cinnamon bun yeah see whoa sick you can
face people into your body
I’m ready for you now Brad
isn’t that obvi I’m so ready but PB you
melted it was a wax dummy dummy Jake
switched me out while lady was
distracting you wow you got me again I
can’t believe that with the hair in the
house coming alive and stuff the what
the walls and chairs trying to eat me
and stuff yeah nah you must have been so
scared you imagined that part
um no I didn’t haha nice try Finn let’s
get out of here
going in the vault
it’s gone