
Mystery Train | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

let me explain how I know who the
murderer is I saw pineapple guys skim
through the sheet music sheet music to a
song that’s very special to lollipop
girl a song that reminds her of ice
cream guy before Colonel candy corn died
Dr ice cream is in possession of a
basket of cabbage fish and eggs and you
Pineapple guy have cabbage bits on your
and you chocolate bar guy
does this dictionary look familiar a
dictionary which happens to contain the
yes at once
but the real murderer is someone no one
suspects the real murderer is
no one was the murderer the conductor’s
still on the train oh yeah
he did it yeah you did it you solved it
Finn I knew it because he’s creepy what
hmm I know you knew he was a murderer
all along I couldn’t have done it
without you
you you thank you we make a great team
you feel kind of bony
hey how could you murder all those candy
people and you murdered Jake on my
birthday yes and you’re next Rock
for you
this is for Jake
thank you
you’re going down or both of us are
going down
my birthday wish
engines happy birthday to me wait
you’re alive
you were the conductor the whole time
yep you were so busy focused on the
murders that you never even noticed
the skeleton for the hardest part
it was all an elaborate setup for your
birthday present so nobody was murdered
nope it’s not unless you count the
Train’s control panel
dude open your eyes
hey we’re alive
wow this is the best birthday ever
thanks Jake you deserve it buddy because
you’re a great friend I think my
favorite part was landing on the gelatin
that must have taken forever to plan
nope that part was a total accident
oh so we could have died horribly
birthday pal
