
Mudskippers: The Fish That Walk on Land | Life | BBC Earth

a mud skipper a fish that spends most of
its life out of the sea
it can walk on land and breathe air
its life is very different from that of
most fish
a fish out of water maybe
but they thrive here in japan
so what’s made this upheaval worthwhile
the answer lies in the mud
as the tide retreats it exposes mud
sunlight hits the rich silt and tiny
plants and animals flourish there
all food for a mudskipper
but life on land is not without problems
it’s hard work to find a mate
jumping high above the mud will get you
with eyes perched on the top of their
heads the mud skippers keep a lookout
for both friend and foe
and males fight those who intrude on
their territory
they must also take care not to dry out
in the sun
rolling in the ooze keeps the skin cool
and moist
for this smaller species a better option
is to retreat underground
so he digs himself a tunnel down into
the mud
his heap of spoil is an indication of
the extent of his excavations
with the tide flooding the tunnel twice
a day maintenance is a real burden