
Memories of Boom Boom Mountain | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

maybe you can solve everyone’s problems
like a cherub with his bottom out
okay cool hey i’m gonna go tell the
mountain all right i’m gonna
i’m gonna stay here this time
so everything’s fine this time right yes
thank you finn
the mountain is totally fine with
everybody petting i feel great right on
man the marauders are going crazy over
the petting they’re petting each other
raw check them out
hey man uh as you can see the petting
got sort of out of hand
stop that we are done with that we’re
going back to roughhousing no wait
fellas the mountain doesn’t like rough
housing well we don’t like not
roughhousing you see the problem here
well what if
what if we rotate the entire mountain
180 degrees around so the mountain’s
facing the other direction that way you
guys can keep rough housing and the
mountain doesn’t have to watch it sounds
fine with me what do you say mountain
that’s okay only if you guys promise to
stay healthy and not roughhouse after
you rotate me that mountain can talk
just promise him anything he’s out of
his gourd uh yeah we’ll stay healthy oh
thank goodness all right kids spin me
the mouth around now i just need to set
up some sort of pulley system
over here
don’t turn around if you do don’t miss
looking at his beautiful back it’s
gorgeous oh
what really
okay um maybe what we can do is excuse
me huh we need your help there’s no
music playing and we desperately want to
dance oh uh hold on just a second you
guys i’ll uh i’ll help you out in one
minute okay pipe down over there i want
some peace and quiet uh let me just uh i
need to be pollinated huh pollinated all
over to make my babies everybody please
one problem at a time
my butt’s itchy but i can’t scratch it
this water’s too cold all right
let’s get the flags away from our mommy
that guy’s gonna triangle they swipe
everybody wants different things and
some of them want stuff that’s exactly
the thing the others don’t want whoa
dude hold on so this guy wants this and
that guy wants that but man what do you
what do you
what do you want baby why are you crying
margaret this baby won’t tell me what’s
wrong with it and it’s stuck to a leaf
and it stinks give it here joshua this
baby just needs some love and kisses to
be happy
no it’s happy you just kissed a boom
boom baby so don’t expect any more sugar
for me sweetheart until we wash your
dirty dirty face
jake what i want is to help anyone in
need so everyone is happy
wow that’s pretty corny man but let’s do
it dude
ready over there mushroom gang ready
ready dragon yes sir ready mountain man
i’m ready go
can’t hear a thing
here they come
not naked
hey i can’t see anything is anyone
roughhousing no radical and i can still
see this gorge is back
thank you finn you really helped
stop i’ve got a problem well what’s the
matter this dolphin fell in love with me
that’s the opposite of a problem
adventure time