
Magical Finland Sleigh Ride! | Reindeer Family and Me | BBC Earth

all reindeer here eat the cladonia group
of lichen
a nutritious mix of algae and fungi
it grows all over these northern forests
so finding food for the reindeer on my
journey won’t be an issue
today sunset is around quarter past two
in the afternoon
it’s the ideal time to try out a
specialist camera i’ve brought to film
the northern lights
and now i’ve got the perfect subjects to
test it on
hey boys
watch i’m coming through
got my own version of antlers right here
come on
this is one of the most light-sensitive
cameras in the world
i have to say that these images look
beautiful in this in this light
a short time ago if you wanted to film
these light levels you’d have to film in
an infrared and then everything is seen
in black and white but this camera picks
and that’s what i really want is not
just to see the
the northern lights and the shapes that
they make in the sky to see that there
are lights in the sky but to actually
see the richness of color hopefully even
see colors that i can’t even see with my
my own eyes
and filming the reindeer is a good way
to actually just get
a sense at this time of night of what
this camera can do
and my favorite friendlier reindeer
isn’t camera shy
this is really exciting i’m really
looking forward to the next stage of
heading off into the wild with with my
i’ve got one more day left with petri
and today he wants to show me how to
drive horrendously
i know which reindeer i’d like to use
but i need to see what petri thinks
hello boys
see i quite like
i quite like this one it seems
is this is a good one for
pulling nicely for this good one but we
take this a better one yeah why is that
it’s uh not so old
like this one
really because i was going for which one
which one i liked the most
the friendliest one
it does make sense to take the bigger
stronger reindeer
he just puts me a bit on edge
there’s one thing i
i don’t quite like about the reindeer i
should speak a bit more quietly because
i don’t want it to hear me is that it’s
got um
it’s got quite an aggressive looking
part of its antler that comes straight
and every time i’m close to i think it’s
going to
gouge my eye out
but i suppose
it’s about selecting the best reindeer
for the job the job is to
to pull the sleigh
to get to grips with sleigh riding petri
wants me to follow him on an eight
kilometer circuit of a frozen lake
okay i sir you are ready yes i’m
positive i’m ready okay our nearest
hospital it’s about 70 gallons in which
direction that’s right okay 70
kilometers do you know where the
hospital is
hopefully we won’t need that
let’s go come on
come on
come on
come on
while he may be the strongest reindeer
it seems he’s also the most stubborn
everything’s okay
come on
i really hope this isn’t a sign of
things to come
once my reindeer does get going
i can enjoy the ride
there’s something very very nice about
being pulled along through the snow
by a reindeer
you can see why santa’s done this
all these years
not something you could grow tired off
reindeer make driving a sleigh
a gentle tap with rope is all that’s
needed to keep them going
their splayed hooves act like snow shoes
come on boy so they can pull hundreds of
kilos in weight
and if the conditions are right they can
cover nearly 50 kilometers in a day
that’s quite i suppose it’s moving
the kind of pace that i could walk at
but the one thing it does do it gives me
the opportunity to look around and enjoy
world about me
and it’s beautiful it is a winter