
Lizard Fends Off Predators To Protect Her Eggs | Life | BBC Earth

a female horned lizard guards her bedded
eggs and is keeping a lookout for
anything that might interfere with them
a western patch nosed snake
it is an egg eater and she won’t stand
for it
the patch nose is no match for this kind
of aggression her eggs are safe for now
another predator a coach whip snake and
this species is a lizard eater
and she can tell the difference the
snake is too fast for her to outrun it
so she makes herself looked larger and
the snake is worthy of swallowing
anything that looks as big and as spiky
as this and now the lizard plays her
trump card
the snake isn’t accustomed to prey that
does this
one that a confused snake
now she can return to guard duty and
several months later she’s rewarded with
her first baby