I Am A Sword! | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

this is terrible oh we’re gonna do so
many terrible things together it’s gonna
be hilarious to watch you cry Finn sword
cry as you and lives and steal from the
weak Bandit princess what I will find a
way to slay you hey take a time out dude
we got a lot of lives to ruin
number two if you can hear me this gray
area wet wipe is using me against my
will please find me soon find me and use
me to slay this bleeble that’s what I
saw in my vision
Finn and Jake you’ve come in my time of
need Sharon what’s going on here a
princess and bandits stolar gold
reserves she took off with my husband’s
you guys got swords why didn’t you do
anything oh this isn’t a sword it’s a
massive hangnail I got one too it hurts
can you hear me Mr Mayor
can you sense for this band of Princess
took your head whoa we’ll get your
husband’s head Sharon and the gold
that way yeah but maybe he’s like a
chicken when
um when you know when what what happens
to chickens uh I forget never mind like
our chicken Lorraine Finn and Jake whoa
thank you for escorting me back to my
head Mr Mayor did you see where Bandit
princess went that way towards box
Kingdom let’s close the gap Jake you got
it good luck used two
oh shoot don’t forget to bring back my
tag Sharon’s gonna be real upset
Box Prince
I’m gonna need all these boxes to store
my gold give up now or join your prince
in the recycle bin wait
no recycling
you looking for this I suppose
you okay buddy no man this creep show
made me prey on the innocent
is it serious
no matter what happens don’t step in
get me back myself dude I’ll slay you
with your own body give this trench
acute arthritis you gonna get bopped in
the brain
dad useless eat it
Ben say put
hey give me that
what the crease you’re gonna get it now
dude that’s the grass sword yeah
hang on man I’ll take care of this okay
keep your busted sword
Jake why does this thing happen to Finn
it’s a Woolly Bully world people be
acting crazy always you mean some people
are just a pure City sidewalk boom boom
from a red dunk and that’s all there is
to it
um I don’t know for sure here’s the
sticker I made of Finn sword’s face
thanks yo that’s a spot on drawing
did you notice I got the mouse just
right uh yes I did come on let’s get
some air okay I like air