
Hummingbirds: Nature’s Gladiators – Ep. 7 | Untamed with Filipe DeAndrade

Brian the math thing do it that’s what lip-service looks like at 634 frames a second we’re going to try to film the world’s smallest bird using the same technology that doesn’t flood your basement I don’t know what will oh it’s good to be back in Louisiana it’s been a year since I’ve seen hummingbirds and I’m glad we’re taking off the trip this way on a boat cruising through the bayous cruising through Cajun country I love building in the southeast it’s no wonder why John James Audubon came to Louisiana this place has so much inspiration I couldn’t imagine anywhere else where I’d rather spend a week right now than on the migratory path of the ruby-throated hummingbird I know we’re going to see hundreds of them I’m so stoked to be around them Louisiana baby hummingbirds [Music] how’d it Tracy it smells like Bigfoot took a dump in here and it’s just fermenting it’s a great way to spend time with gamma birds so I’m going to be able to get a hummingbird right in my grill status just look me right between the deep caverns of my souls and just to be able to slow these things down I can finally pick up and what the hell all that chirping chattering all that clicking and clacking look how aggressive this young male is driving every other bird off of his flowers I know he’s a male because of that single iridescent feather he has under his throat when he matures he’ll be striking a colorful Mane but right now he showed up for the dinner party with nothing but a bow tie on this little dude has already travelled over 5,000 miles on an annual migration he’s here chunking up for his last great push over the Gulf of Mexico I’m ENGLISH consume double their body weight in calories every single day it’s a constant state of feeding and fighting [Applause] address back [Music] just as he starts to establish his dominance on the battlefield mother nature gets in on the fight [Music] the range shifts the summers attention from fighting to feeding an air temperature drop means an increase in his metabolic rate this send Hummers into overdrive I couldn’t imagine when three grams being this big and stuck in a downpour undeterred by the rain every drop of nectar is a matter of life or death [Music] with the rain and feeding done he can finally rest other than the fact that hummingbirds are my spirit animal another reason I love them is because they’re natural pollinators they literally brings life is that everything they come into contact with making not only themselves but the environment around them better and they fly around spreading their population buddies everywhere summers we are more alike than you know we may have just found the favio of jumping spiders he is getting in there and by in there I mean in there [Music] [Applause]
