Hug Wolf | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

surely this frosted drink will soothe my
fevered tempers
hello good heavens
Jake what happened to me last night you
hugged everyone no they
we’re mad but we’re not going to go down
there people of the Candy Kingdom all
I’ve ever wanted was to keep you all
safe because I can’t undo the hugs I’ve
caused my soul wish is to be locked up
forever in the candy dungeon
boom let’s make sure that Alpha hug
won’t pay for what he’s done yeah yeah I
agree with the last guy see cinnamon bun
you watch over Finn
let’s go boys
cinnamon bun
rack me out I am not supposed to
I can’t man not even alone
yes me come on come on come on come
on let’s raise your turn
oh my search
I smell someone being hugged right now
uh I have a wife that hug be your last
two review
ah come here baby no Huggies
I failed you
I’m gonna hug you up
this is the biggest hug that’s ever
thank you
oh huh you
you stopped hugging me yeah you stopped
too I just didn’t feel like I needed any
more hugs me neither the curse is broken
can I get a hug Jake