
Horn Shark Escapes Being Eaten Alive | Planet Earth III | BBC Earth

These forests are nurseries
for young horn sharks.
As the sun begins to set,
they leave their daytime shelter to find food.
There are monsters here.
A giant sea bass,
and huge broadnose sevengills.
An angel shark.
One of the most deadly sharks in the kelp forest
and certainly the best camouflaged.
An angel shark will lie in wait for days.
But this one
has already attracted too much attention.
It’s not welcome here.
But angel sharks hunt around the clock.
Openings for breathing, called spiracles,
blow out sand that helps cover its body.
The trap is set.
Staying close to the seabed
is a good way to avoid most predators.
Faster than the blink of an eye.
But it’s not over yet.
Horn sharks have a secret weapon.
Sharp spikes keep them very much off the menu for most.
So this young horn shark
can hunt in safety, for now.