
Hippos Eating Watermelon | Magic of Disney’s Animal Kingdom

The sun shines at Disney’s Animal Kingdom theme park and at the Kilimanjaro Safaris, the hippos prepare for breakfast Tequila lives in a blowout of six hippos, one of the largest in managed care. Every day when the hippos come out, we like to do a little produce toss to reward them for coming out here today in the summer spirit. We have watermelon. Also a good chance for us to see how the hippos are doing with eating something that big and that solid. Our focus today is actually going to be a little bit more on tequila because she’s had a few tooth issues and her mouth has looked a little sore. So we want to see how she does with the watermelon. Tequila is middle aged now. She’s about 28 years old. And that’s also part of why we’re keeping a close eye on our teeth, because she is starting to get a little bit older. She is a very sassy hippo. She’s a little bit shorter than the rest of them, but she certainly doesn’t let that affect her attitude at all. All right, Tequila, are you ready? Go for it. Hey, go. Come get it, girl. Did she get it? Yeah, she got it. It was a half one, so she grabbed it real easy. Tequila. You want a whole one? Come on, Tequila. That was tequila right there. That’s trying to grab that whole one. Seems like she can’t just chop a whole watermelon like she normally does. Yeah, I agree. She’s clearly not opening her jaw all the way. Everybody else seems like they’re eating the watermelon pretty well, but she’s just eating little scraps. This doesn’t look right I think we need to get a look at her teeth. Yeah. Not chewing the way she normally does. Yeah, I think her tooth is bothering her. We’ll definitely get a look at her when she comes in.
