
Harpy Eagle | Amazing Animals

And now it’s time for some more amazing animals number 27 the amazing happy eagle named after the man-eating monsters from greek mythology the harpy these beautiful birds are hey why have you got your back to us turn around no no i’m shy oh pretty please you can do it after all you are known as the ruler of the rainforest oh that thing well i look careful oh typical the harpy eagle can be found in the lowland rainforests of central and southern america with a wingspan of 6.5 feet and weighing up to 20 pounds the harpy eagle is one big bird i beg your pardon who are you calling big that is it i’m coming watch out for the camera anyway the happy eagle is armed with talons as big as a grizzly bear sexy that can snatch monkeys from the trees in the rainforest you’re definitely not getting a tip oh well at least you’re not a bald eagle you ‘ve got plenty of feathers yeah so thank you happy eagle you are one amazing animal.
