
Fun Animal Facts with Chelsea with Barbie® National Geographic Dolls | Nat Geo Kids

Hello everyone it has been a while since I’ve had Chelsea on the Vlog hello Chelsea hello Barbie Chelsea wants to be in charge of a magazine I challenge Chelsea to make her own magazine and because she is a Fearless curious brilliant child she took me up on my challenge I’ve decided to make my magazines about weird but true fun animal facts I’m hoping people will want to protect the animals and the places where they live so that the animals will be safer I love that it just gave me a Goosebumps did you know that sea otters sometimes hold hands when they sleep so they don’t float apart you’ve ever heard I love that where are sea otters from the sea well that wasn’t a trick question really where are they from Mostly the shallow Waters in The Northern Pacific oh okay cool and fact number two elephants can not jump wait what yeah they can’t jump are they the only animals that can’t rhinos and hippos and sloths can’t jump either how crazy what about giraffes oh giraffes can oh okay good snails can sleep for three years three years or you know go dormant which is like sleeping that is one long nap yeah but all the dreams oh that’s a beautiful picture too I love the snail dream picture a group of porcupines are called a prickle oh that’s really cute a prickle yeah oh I love this one yeah butterflies can taste with their feet crazy no wonder they always land on flowers those must taste great bats are the only mammals that can fly wait really yeah look at this one okay so this is what Chelsea’s magazine says pandas don’t have a regular sleeping spot they fall asleep wherever they happen to be I can sleep in the car on a plane on the couch yeah me too oh Chelsea thank you so much for sharing this this is a wonderful magazine do you really like it oh I love it they love it right everyone loves it it’s so good you could absolutely be the next season Goldberg the editor of National Geographic she is amazing she’s one of our role models she is a editor and a journalist and in fact she’s the first female editor for National Geographic which has been around since 1888. Susan works with photojournalists to help them tell their stories about the world so that we are inspired to protect it the more you see the more you care right and you can tell such great stories with photos not just words oh in fact I have another fact for you to add to your book I just learned this last week in Biology class so there is a type of jellyfish that can pretty much live forever it’s called turatopsis duroni I think I said it right and it just clones itself in extreme situations really what does that mean exactly I’m gonna look it up I think you’re born to be a photojournalist and you’ve got this curiosity and a great eye and you love telling stories you’re so good at telling stories so are you oh yeah you ready until next time peace [Music]
