
Finn VS Mushroom | Mama Said | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

yeah no he’s still out there
I’m gonna go out there and talk to it
maybe it can be a reason with this could
just be a big mush understanding
hey buddy
all times
sorry about earlier we goofed up there’s
no way our fake mushroom could come
close to your level of beauty
it’s true you’re stunning
oh God no oh I mean I am an excellent
source of vitamin D copper and zinc uh
congrats geek
horse Sportsman
mid joke you monster who often refer to
as mushroom tea the fermented drink
kombucha is actually made with bacteria
and yeast
mushroom chop wow
branch of biology dealing with
dealing is called mycology we’re
learning a lot about mushrooms today
and my sinuses
they are unable to make their own food
through photosynthesis
oh that was dumb
Canyon your dowsing rod
dude this
Canyon you’re so cool
farewell Mega mush may we meet again in
your next incarnation
Q This was fun Canyon ah yep found the
sacred spring and we exterminated the
flying mushroom infestation mission
complete ah yeah oh um that wasn’t
actually our mission
all right boys let’s see it fair
princess of who we were unable to
procure a flying mushroom so instead may
we present an advanced mushroom pizza
it’s not as you ordered mileage but this
pizza can probably fly if you believe
hard enough oh a delightful Pizza ah
well then you two are fired what you
have defied the order of your princess
henceforth you are banished from my
Royal Guard we didn’t even like you
spare me you’re groveling you’re fired
yes I can feel it working banana guards
give me a pushed
said baby tastes like this there’d be
days like this Mama said Mama said Mama
Said mama said there’d be days like this
there’d be days like this my Mama said
Mama said Mama Said