
Extreme Fishing for Crayfish in New Zealand | Where the Wild Men Are | BBC Earth Explore

The water is a freezing six degrees
and we’re planning to free dive
to catch the crayfish.
Put your gloves on a start.
Yours? Look well.
These battle hardened days of battle.
These have battled.
These are my best gloves. Yes.
I’ll go first,
just in case you decide.
I know this
because you think I’m going to lose.
because I want to
feed us some crayfish.
Pecking order established,
Robert´s off,
dodging the bed of sea urchins
that lie between him and dinner.
To catch the crayfish,
speed is of the essence.
A single touch to their antennae
sends them deep into the crevices
of the jagged volcanic rocks.
But once a crayfish is caught,
there’s an art to keeping hold of it.
Avoiding that powerful tales covered
in spines
that can shred through the
toughest pair of gloves.
The legs of these critters ending claws
that they use to grip the rocks
and wets themselves into cracks.
Roberts caught dinner for him
and his family.
And now it’s my turn.
The pressure is on.
I’ve just met the guy and he’s clearly
got low expectations
of my hunting skills.
If I don’t prove him wrong,
I’ll be going hungry tonight.
Bring it on shellfish.
Let battle commence.
Me, hunter.
I just want to make sure
everyone can see that.
He looks.
Does he look huge that way?
Thank you very much.
I love that.