
Ex-Navy pilot says he saw UFOs that did things his plane could not do

got >> That Chinese balloon
that floated across the
continental U.S. Got a lot of
attention, and somehow it
eclipsed other we’re
unidentified flying objects.
>> Ekow 61, mysterious object.
>> Well, got it.
>> Roger.
>> What the [bleep] Is that?
>> Did you get a photo?
>> No I took a —
Oh my gosh, dude. .
>> Former Navy fighter pilot
Brian grace has a new article
in political, saying we have a
real ufo problem, and it’s not
He joins me now.
Brian, I’m with you.
You have seen weirder things
then a Chinese balloon while
you’ve been in the sky, yes.
>> Certainly.
We’ve seen things that we have
not been able to explain.
As simply as a balloon.
And as we’ve been talking about
the various objects that have
been shot down over the U.S..
, There’s been a pretty clear
bifurcation between what we’ve
been calling a Chinese balloon
and what these other three
objects are.
And while we don’t know what
they are, the fact of the
matter is we should know is
above our head at anytime,
whether it’s a national
security issue, whether it’s a
scientific question, we need to
figure out what’s above our
>> That video that we just
showed, was that from your
>> Yes, that was in 2015 while
we were aboard the uss Theodore
Roosevelt off the coast of
Jacksonville, Florida.
We were doing training missions,
preparing for a combat
We recorded that object, as
well as other objects that were
operating our vicinity on a
regular basis.
And we simply did not know what
they were.
But we did know that they were
a safety hazard for our aircrew
and for a training missions.
And we’ve been looking for the
right way to report and deal
with those issues ever since.
With the Americans for safe
aerospace, we’re going to be
pushing legislative action to
ensure the proper policies are
in place, both in the military
and commercial markets, feel
comfortable reporting these
Whether it’s a national
security issue, make sure it’s
not a security gap —
gap, because we need make sure
if it’s an unknown, we need
inquire on that.
>> But Ryan, what was that
>> That’s what we’re still
trying to figure out.
So, what we know is it was not
one of our aircraft that we
were operating with and
intensity of.
We are fairly certain that it
was not a foreign adversary at
this point.
But it still remains in the
unknown bucket.
And the primary issue here is
that there are enough things
that are that bucket of an
unknown, that the anomaly
resolution office within the
D.O.D., and their senators and
congress, congressmen and women,
are looking into the matter
from the angle of national
security in a way we have not
had before. With the recent shutdowns, we
can see just how serious of an
issue it is, even if they are
just balloons, just balloons
can still be a national
security issue when they’re
overhead our national security
facilities and air space.
>> But these things you’ve seen,
and in fact, I should let
everyone know, you saw them a
This wasn’t just a one-off,
once in 2015.
You saw ufos often.
And these things, correct me if
I’m wrong, they do things.
They have sort of technology
that you all could not
But >> It’s not that we are
just seeing them out there and
somewhat identifying something
in the distance.
We are using a multitude of
sensors on our aircraft.
And also distributed across
multiple aircraft and different
platforms that are detecting
these objects within a sensor
So, when we lend correlate
those radar tracks with our
infrared camera systems and
eventually moving closer to
detect them with our eyeballs,
we have high confidence in
those track files and what
we’re experiencing.
And what we’re experiencing are
things that we’re really not
sure what they are at the end
of the day.
They are performing a number of
behaviors that we don’t
recognize, such as the ability
to stay stationary in very high
winds, when the lifting
platform, no services.
But also to maintain speeds of
0.6 to 0.8 miles per hour, with
upwards of 350 knots.
And they can do that for many
hours on and.
We don’t have the ability to do
that in our aircraft.
And we simply do not know who’s
operating these are what their
intent are.
>> I think we have another clip
of one from our squadron of
them seeing it, as you said, in
high wind and operating
differently but.
>> It’s rotating.
My gosh.
They’re all going like this,
the wind, the wind is 120 miles
to the west.
>> And so, when you say you
want to get a point where you
can feel control reporting them,
do they not, to people not feel
comparable reporting these
>> They still don’t.
And I will only speak within
the aviation community.
But it’s a big risk to go out
publicly on this topic.
At the end of the day, if you
are going to highlight yourself,
at least in the military
aviation communities for
something like this, there’s
very little upside for you.
We’re very busy, aviators, and
the U.S. Navy, air force, and
the military in general are
very busy just doing the
regular job.
They’re not equipped to go out
and do research on these
mysterious objects but.
On the commercial sector,
people worked for a very long
time in a single career under a
single company.
And they are a single signature
away on a medical evaluation to
say they’re unfit for flying to
lose that career.
So, there’s very little
motivation to speak publicly
about this, especially when
it’s been communicated by their
employers, and historically,
that this is somewhat of chalk
off-topic, presumably off
limits topic.
>> Lastly right, and you have a
theory on what these are?
>> Well, again, I have a theory
of what they are not.
And I do have a method I think
of trying to figure what these
You know, we know that we can
detect these objects.
We are starting to recognize as
the government and as a society
that we have an obligation to
figure out what these are, to
ensure safe flying.
So, I think we can figure out.
I think that is unanswerable
Though not quite yet.
>> Ryan graves, thank you for
sharing all of this with.
Us it’s really fascinating.