
Elephant Family Reunion | Natural World: Forest Elephants | BBC Earth

[Music] during the hours she spends at the bye she notes all the arrivals and crucially who greets whom it’s late afternoon and andrea has noticed two related elephants who’ve arrived from different parts of the forest this is uh mimi wand who’s the matriarch of this group anyone knows that mimi 2 is there yeah they’re heading right towards each other there we go there’s a nice greeting going on right now some very low frequency yeah now they’re trunking each other yeah yeah that’s mother and daughter so some of these greetings are very subtle and if you know the individuals then you can predict them by understanding these relationships andrea’s made an important discovery in the forest beyond the by it’s rare to see more than one elephant at a time people assumed they led solitary independent lives andrea believes that even though relatives might not stay together in the forest they do appear to know each other’s whereabouts [Applause] i think it was the general misconception about forest elephants only having small family groups but they do have extensive networks and they should because i mean we know that about savannah elephants why shouldn’t forest dolphins still maintain these social groups [Music] zangabai as well as offering medicinal salts appears to be an important venue for elephant family reunions [Music] andrea is beginning to understand why the bayaka call this place the village of elephants [Music] but even the bayaka don’t understand how the elephants appear to second-guess each other’s movements how they know when other family members will be at the bye to get to the bottom of this andrea has had to start thinking like an elephant [Music] tuning into this forest world as they do [Music] [Music] you
