
Dream Of Love | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

oh man just try to ignore it and watch
the movie
I can’t ignore that
tree trunks this has gone on long enough
no more spending time with the pig
unless you do it inside your own home
but fan an unmarried couple living
together Under One Roof that’s indecent
then why don’t you two just get married
then I guess we only have one option
all right you can’t do this wait
sorry tree trunks
so where do you live I’m homeless
I guess I’ll just go back to eating
I miss her
ah I don’t know what I’m gonna do
without him saying why don’t you make
apple pie to take your mind off of it
dream of Love Is it really over
can I overwork come These Tears
I close my eyes
feel that he’s still with me
stay outstanding with me here
dream of Love Are we truly
parted must this Pig forever Walk Alone
In My Dreams our love is just a dream to
me but in my heart it lives and breathes
and grows
I cross my heart and promised to be true
well I’m Still Loving You girl from
halfway across this great big world and
in my dreams I’m holding hands with you
it’s always
dream of love
it’s only a dream
I close my eyes and feel his arms around
in my dreams
he’s not so far away go to him
go huh
freaking out
you know what I like it it’s nice yeah
apple pie I’ve been waiting to kiss you
all day
