Dino Road Trip ๐Ÿฆ–๐Ÿš™ | 10 Minutes | Nat Geo Kids Compilation | @natgeokids

road trip
today weโ€™re headed to China to see if
one dinosaur will show its true colors
hold on to your lunch because weโ€™re
jetting 150 million years back to the
Jurassic period blah blah 150 million
Are We There Yet seriously
welcome to the Jurassic where in China
where some dinosaurs have feathers like
a giant chicken letโ€™s take one back with
us and open the worldโ€™s biggest Wing
Shack I donโ€™t know they might taste kind
of lizardy I like lizard
prime example is the finely feathered
anchionist whoa check out that little
dude itโ€™s like a crazy looking
Woodpecker ecky on his climbs it perches
it jumps
it Glides ever so gently to another tree
yay that curious couldnโ€™t fly long
distances like a modern day bird but the
levels did help it Glide from tree to
tree whoa looks like some feathers Are
Gonna Fly we donโ€™t know if all dinosaurs
had feathers but the color probably
helped them recognize other dinosaurs of
the same species Iโ€™m pretty sure youโ€™re
a totally different species with me and
I thank my armored plates for it every
day well gliders are not I think they
look awesome letโ€™s grab a selfie before
we head home letโ€™s break down the facts
about our pal anchorness ankierness
lived 150 million years ago
had colorful feathers
Glides from tree to tree sweet but all
this chicken talk is making me hungry
letโ€™s hit T-Rex Taco keep on clucking
weโ€™ll catch you later there
road trip
today weโ€™re stalking the biggest meat
eater ever weโ€™re off to ancient Morocco
in North West Africa as we go back 100
million years to meet
Spinosaurus I hope itโ€™s not too spiny to
hug letโ€™s find out
out of desert 100 million years ago it
was a lush coastal plain there were
Rivers full of fish crocodiles and
ferocious meat-eating dinosaurs prowling
the swamps the biggest meat eater of all
Spinosaurus so I guess we wonโ€™t be
hugging it out Spinosaurus grew almost
50 feet long longer than a T-Rex and the
sail on its back makes it look even
bigger long bony spines hold up that
sail which is how Spinosaurus got its
name hashtag Bonnie spines hashtag back
sale hashtag more meat please hashtag
enough already the sale probably helped
Spinosaurus to attract mates or regulate
its body temperature in and out of the
water cute terrorizing the entire Sahara
one Dino at a time Spinosaurus had a
skinny jaw and conical teeth like a
scientists believe that it might have
spent a lot of time in the water hunting
its favorite food fish tacos fish
and now weโ€™re close quick letโ€™s do it
before we head home letโ€™s break down the
facts about the mighty Spinosaurus
bigger than a T-Rex eight fish lived in
and out of water oh any last words for
spino hashtag gotta go
today get ready for a deep dive as we go
80 million years back in time to the
Cretaceous Period good thing I brought
my Periscope oh brother yes what well
you called me no I didnโ€™t he said oh
hang on
to the terrifying Seas of the Cretaceous
doesnโ€™t look terrifying never mind
this car is like a jalapeno popper for
that thing that thing is a Tylosaurus
one of the biggest Marine creatures of
this period their giant swimming
their surface to catch their breath and
they can grow up to 45 feet long we come
in peace but if you must eat Ali hey
dinosaurs ate other marine reptiles sea
turtles and fish even big ones like
sharks to accommodate its many tastes
itโ€™s sported an extra set of teeth in
the roof of its mouth thanks for holding
on to Slippery prey
Sean do you think youโ€™d mind if we took
a selfie
before we get out of here letโ€™s break
down the facts about Tylosaurus
Tylosaurus a giant Marine reptile grew
up to 45 feet long oh extra set of teeth
to chew up fish and other marine
reptiles we better blast off before he
gets hungry again okay ombre hold on to
your tail here we go
all going on
his stories
today weโ€™re headed to Montana West USA
to meet the most famous dinosaur of all
time weโ€™re going back 66 million years
to meet the mighty Tyrannosaurus Rex oh
please T-Rex is so played out the world
needs more Iguanodon
he definitely tell T-Rex that itโ€™s old
news letโ€™s go
ladies and gentlemen I give you one of
the largest land carnivores of all time
Tyrannosaurus Rex I think I might have
just wrecked myself Tyrannosaurus was
literally the king of the lizards
it was 40 feet long and had teeth that
acted like steak knives hey weโ€™ve got
fresh belated Sean over here if youโ€™re
funny interesting fact most people donโ€™t
know that the T-Rex is related to
wait what not a joke
T-Rex and birds come from the same
branch of the dinosaur family tree
making them very distant cousins
like other meat eating dinosaurs T-Rex
might have had feathers told you he was
all talk chicken
youngx had thin sharp teeth made for
ripping meat as they grew their teeth
grew too becoming stouter better for
crushing bone now whoโ€™s a chicken and
see those short arms with two fingers
they were actually the size of human
arms except they were a lot stronger
even two figured hands could take a
selfie before we head home letโ€™s break
down the facts about the mighty T-Rex
Tyrannosaurus Rex
bone crushing teeth two fingered hands
may have been partially covered with
uh he looks hungry
letโ€™s make like a chicken and fly the