Crocodiles Sneak Attack Thirsty Bats | 4K UHD | Seven Worlds One Planet | BBC Earth

A little red flying fox. Their ancestors flew here, travelling along the chain of volcanic islands that links Asia to Australia. But their huge wings which stretch from their fingers to their toes, make it difficult for them to walk or take off from the ground. So when they want to rest, they hang upside down in trees. But the bats have to drink every day. And they do so on the wing. They swoop just low enough to wet their bellies and then back in their roosts, they will suck out the water. Each evening 10,000 of them come here. Not all of them return. Every two metres of river, there is a crocodile. They were here long before the bats, survivors from Australia’s prehistoric past. These dramas have been taking place for millions of years. Aerial agility versus patience and deadly speed. Australia’s forests are hostile places in which to make your home.
