
Coyotes Have One Mission: Food – Ep. 5 | Untamed with Filipe DeAndrade

That’s awesome. Oh my gosh. So we are on our way right now to pick up a very special package. Kai Wong flew all the way from England just to grace us with his presence and see what wildlife filmmaking is all about. It’s about 5:30 in the AM. We’ve got to be very, very quiet. Kai Wong. Step inside [inaudible] my friend. I got some Christmas snacks for you. The queen be damned! You brought us chocolates? Dude. Welcome to America. You’re inside of her right now. That’s the first time I’ve known that. So today, what we’re going to do– we’re heading down to Bosque del Apache. It is 57,331 acres of wildlife mecca. There’s mountain lions, coyotes, sandhill cranes, snow geese. It is one of the most biodiverse regions I’ve ever come across. In honor of Kai, we’re going to be focusing on kai-yotes. You’ve named an animal after me. We have. Actually, Roosevelt named the animal after you. So I can’t take credit. First things first, let’s go check some trap cameras. So, two weeks ago, a mountain lion took down an elk in this field. And we set up some trap cameras hoping to get the coyote coming back. Sexy. Let’s go see if we’ve captured anything. Let’s do it. Kai’s in full camouflage right now. Nothing’s going to see him. Wait, where’s Kai at? Where’s Kai at? Dude, I think we lost Kai. Oh my gosh, Nat Geo’s going to be so upset with us. We lost Kai. Kai! Kai! Wow. This thing got dragged. That coyote dragged that carcass from all the way over there. Dude. Yeah, that’s definitely not the doing of a vegan coyote. It might have been a kai-yote. So, yeah. We’re going to set up on the computer inside the van and see if we got more coyote activity. Hopefully it’s good. Whoa. [inaudible] Dude, look at that coat, though. Like, it looks more like a wolf than it does a coyote. [yelling] Coyotes are 100% the clean-up crew. We documented three individuals feeding on this elk carcass for over a week. The best way to capture a hunt is to park ourselves next to their favorite prey. Oh my gosh. Look at all those coming in. Holy crap. Where did they come from? So with all of the snow geese in the area, I wouldn’t be surprised if we got a coyote launching out and grabbing something. We just got our first visual of a coyote. One of the best things about working with coyotes is that they’re always on the mission for some food. This is it. Money shot time. Oh, here we go.

FILIPE: There’s at least 10,000 birds in the sky! It’s like a massive John Wayne movie!

FILIPE: We are getting a hell of an aerial show right now. Kai, check that out. He didn’t get a kill. But it looks like there’s an injured snow goose over there. It never gets any easier to experience death out here. But it puts everything into perspective and makes you realize what these animals have to go through. It just slows everything down. And just look at the little things, and appreciate everything.

FILIPE: Bring it in. Warm embrace. Oh, it’s all over. It is all over. It’s all over. Man. What do you think was your favorite moment out of this whole experience? The sheer number of birds just flying above my head.

FILIPE: There’s at least 10,000 birds in the air right now. Just don’t look up and open your mouth, because you will get some bird remnants. Lunch time. Just the experience of seeing all of this happen, and it’s unplanned. Untamed. That’s a great title for a show.

FILIPE: Dude. Thanks for coming out.

KAI: Amazing.
