
Cheetah vs Greyhound Speed Test | BBC Earth

so mate today slo-mo is all about speed
and let’s face it the cat’s already won
kind of don’t want to agree with you on
that one
but I’m gonna have to yeah fastest land
animal the cheetah I mean the BBC has
filmed some great cheater footage in the
past and you just see why there’s such
speed demons so what’s the the key
behind why they’re so fast well they got
this really flexible spine which gives
them a massive gate really spreads out
their legs and they got these incredibly
powerful back leg muscles to really
drive them forward
but this semi-retractable claws so
basically they’re closer partly out all
the time right like one of spikes giving
them excellent grip that’s just credible
and really streamlined very powerful
animals okay now so cheetahs are pretty
cool but how about getting the greyhound
the fastest dog in the world get that in
slow-mo so we’ve got two dogs a city and
sweet we’re gonna race for us and we’ve
got to you so that one of them can have
a rest while the other ones racing and
she’s got such big powerful legs oh come
on get over it with the aid of the
vampire Batmobile which is really we
have to get some awesome shots of these
guys emotion will shoot this on a
relatively long lens just so we can keep
a bit of distance in the dogs
we’re about to go for the first run
oh I’m gonna get away please
I’m really pleased we got the beginning
that’s great can you see that I’m not
yeah and that’s and that was off the
front feet I predicts me yeah yeah yeah
really dug in stretches out that they so
like a teacher if they run in a star
called rotary gallop which is worth a
feat basically land in a circular
position as it go around is that front
left from right back right back left is
that circular rotary gallop we talked
about and that she can really see
there’s two flight phases so when their
feet are off the grounds they’re either
fully extended or tucked up to the body
just like a cheetah that was pretty
quick dunk what kind of speeds will be
clocking there cuz we’ve just a bit
overtaken him so yeah he’s certainly
doing 43 plus miles an hour so T’s
faster than a greyhound why is that yeah
well she wants to look at that it’s not
all that clear because they’re running
really similar style but basically some
researchers at the Royal Ventura College
in London discovered the greyhounds
aren’t very good at increasing the
frequency of their stride whereas
cheetahs are really good at swinging
their legs forward and it’s just
building up that was awesome and now
it’s from the head honcho
so I think we’ve done the Dukes
injustice today you have I think she
deserves a lie down so the debate still
rages on cats versus dogs what do you