
Charlie’s Favorite Skits From “Weird But True!” | Weirdest, Bestest, Truest

CHARLIE: Hey, guys.
Just going through some episodes from season two of
Weird But True and looking at all the skits we did.
It’s definitely some of the moments where we have the
most fun during the production process.
Gooey goopey slim!
Coming in at number 10 we have evil Bob and Patrick.
They spent so much time figuring out how they were gonna sit,
how they were gonna laugh, how they were gonna react.
BOB: Hey guys, we gotcha a present.
CHARLIE: And I love those guys.
PATRICK: Nothing!
CHARLIE: At number nine we have snake oil salesman.
Ladies and gentlemen.
I really liked this one because writing it was the best.
If you listen, the way that this guy talks.
It takes out the bad stuff and fills you with glad stuff.
It’s really kinda snappy.
It was really fun to put those rhymes together.
No town or city has seen a bridge so pretty.
It never fails.
At number eight we have Madame Eruption.
KIRBY: Bonjour, I am Madame Eruption.
CHARLIE: This comes in on the list because Kirby
knocked it out of the park.
She got the French accent down.
KIRBY: You silly American!
CHARLIE: She learned a heck of a lot about volcanoes.
KIRBY: Zee magma rock is under great pressure.
CHARLIE: And she did a pretty long monologue
nearly top to bottom without stopping.
Shout out to Brandon Gulish, co-writer on the volcanoes
episode for doing a great job with that.
KIRBY: Tres magnifique. CHARLIE: MagmaFique.
For number seven we got the pollination league MVP.
Welcome back sports fans, Chip Shivers alongside….
Chip and Bob, definitely my personal favorite characters to write for.
It’s really inspired by like all those sports debate shows
that you see on TV,
KIRBY: You know what Chip it’s blasphemous.
CHARLIE: Where everything is always so blasphemous
and the craziest thing that you’ve ever heard in your entire life…
Chip Shivers.
KIRBY: Bob Frost. CHARLIE: Catch you next time!
Coming in at number six we have
Kirby’s planet world documentary.
I really liked this one because of Bob’s role.
CHARLIE: This one’s really kind of a mind bender.
All right. Bob is our mailman on the show,
but in real life he records the audio.
And in this scene, he pretends to be a mailman
pretending to record audio for Kirby’s pretend documentary,
but he’s actually recording real audio for our real show.
KIRBY: Bob, raise up that boom you’re almost in my shot.
C’mon people we’re losing light.
CHARLIE: At number five we have the wood nymph and traveler.
Guys these are our parents.
I like this one because my parents were on set for one day,
and the first scene that they ever watched,
was the one where I was dressed up as a wood nymph prancing around,
and Kirby was a pretty disgruntled traveler.
KIRBY: Cool. No Cleef. What was all this for?
Couldn’t you just have told me all that?
CHARLIE: I thought it was a great way to introduce my
parents to the show and also, I love those wings.
KIRBY: Shh. I get it.
CHARLIE: Coming in at number four we got electricity horror stories.
KIRBY: There’s this thing called an electric eel.
CHARLIE: I really like this skit because the set
was absolutely amazing.
The art team did a great job of building that tent and the moon and
the camera team also lit it in a really interesting way.
Boogley boogely booooo.
At number three, we have the Antiques Roadshow skit.
I was very excited when you brought these to my table.
I love writing skits that are based off TV shows in real life.
This collection of three paintings would be…
And this was fun because I got to live out like a personal goal of mine,
which is to be on Antiques Roadshow,
one of my favorite shows.
KIRBY: So exciting!
CHARLIE: At number two we have the crafty camper builder bonanza championship race.
KIRBY: What do you race for? CHARLIE: To win badges.
KIRBY: What do you race for? CHARLIE: To win badges.
KIRBY: Let’s see it.
CHARLIE: We got to race soapbox derbies.
It was crazy. We had a huge crowd.
So that was just entirely a fun day on set.
KIRBY: He’s done it folks.
Patrick has won the championship race.
CHARLIE: And finally, coming in at number one,
in my opinion the best skit of all season two,
the volcanoes science fair.
KIRBY: So today for you all we made a composite volcano…
CHARLIE: Kirby, Patrick, Casey,
and I are presenting our science fair projects to
ourselves as judges, which is pretty ridiculous.
CASEY: And the winner is..
CHARLIE: It was so fun to shoot,
and it comes out being really smooth.
CASEY: Willy Moore and Madame Eruption.
CHARLIE: So there you go, guys.
That’s the 10 best skits from Weird But True season two.
See you guys in the next one.