
Cat Mum Feeds Her Newborn Kittens | Wonderful World of Puppies | BBC Earth

in one country home Britain’s newest
litter of kittens is about to
arrive this is Ora she’s a
three-year-old British shair house
cat and she’s expecting her very first
litter of
kittens by the luk of her swollen tummy
they could arrive at any
moment our first time mom doesn’t have
to wait
long in the dark of night our cameras
get a glimpse of Ora going into
labor and soon she meets her firstborn
son his name is
Lloyd and at just 3 oz Lloyd weighs less
than a
plum just seconds old Lloyd already has
an amazing ability called the rooting
reflex which tells his tiny brain to
root through mom’s fur to find his first
meal by morning Lloyd is joined by three
sisters and now they’re all dry and
fluffy our British Shorthair newborns
are almost completely
helpless they’re born both blind and
deaf and they struggle with basic
coordination incredibly each kitten will
feed from the very same te for the next
weeks each te has a faintly different
scent and while we couldn’t smell the
difference our kittens
can Lloyd and his sisters will F their
noses to their their chosen feeding spot
every single
time creating an orderly lineup at the
bouffet for the first 48 Hours his mom
produces a special type of milk that
delivers immunity from Mom to
kitten so that her newborns will be
protected from most diseases during the
first month of
we’ll watch as Lloyd and his sisters
grow and develop over these next