
Can technology help you get a better night’s sleep? – BBC News

Between seven and nine hours of sleep per night but according to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention in the U.S 35 of us report sleeping for less than seven hours per night on average at least I know I’m not alone I’ve tried using podcasts White Noise pretty much everything and nothing’s really worked now this is the friend’s brain band from irrable neuroscience and they claim that it can use a variety of sensors to measure seven different metrics including brain waves and your facial movements as you sleep the headband has bone conduction headphones which sit just above your ears they play audio content in response to its sensor readings in real time including meditations nature sounds and music the inbuilt AI then learns how your brain responds to different types of sounds to try and figure out what’s most likely to help you drift off so I’m just looking at the graphs here on the screen and it’s showing me three different things one of which is the EEG which is my brain signal that’s pretty flat at the moment which is you know pretty on brand and then underneath that we’ve got eye motion which is slightly strange it looks like it’s detecting when I move my eyes around and it’s reacting on the graph so that’s pretty funky and then the bottom it’s facial muscles and if I kind of open and close my mouth like that it also reflects on the graph here so it’s pretty impressive that it’s detecting all of that just from something that’s basically wrapped around my forehead we have done a lot of brain stimulation using audio using electromagnetic signal we stimulate and then we measure how the brain responds to that so that’s the unique mix of this device it understands you when I first wear it it would play piano sounds hoping that it would help me to relax and put me to sleep I play piano so every time I hear piano sound my brain really active so since then it doesn’t play piano sounds anymore it only played natural sounds and it helped me to sleep faster the company claims its brain band can get you to sleep an average of 19 minutes faster than usual so naturally I’m going to give it a go [Music] so I’ve been using the band for a couple of nights now I sleep on my side and that meant that it was a little bit uncomfortable um but perhaps more of a problem was that I woke up in the morning to lots of alerts on the phone saying that it had actually come off [Music] the company’s creating a new version to submit for FDA approval at the end of this year in the Hope it’ll one day be used by doctors to help treat sleep disorders this is the first step toward diagnosing at a much lower cost as high of equality as not compared to the devices in the hospital the goal is to bring this to the clinical world to help people with the actual strong need for improving their sleep researchers always like to collect sleep data in as natural a setting as possible it will be immensely beneficial to have one of these headbands instead of traveling every day to a Sleep Clinic to do this if you can do it at home that is much much better so that’s Tech you can wear but what about tech you can sleep on South Korean company ansil is showcasing its unique mattress design which is supported not by Springs or foam but by strings 14 million of them the string tension and Mattress firmness is adjusted by air that’s pumped inside it also contains sensors which can detect your body shape and position as you move throughout the night and adjusts firmness accordingly so if you are a side sleeper you need like softer level bath zipper in love bomber you cannot keep the same position the whole night I’m gonna do it manually okay great let’s do it this is like the level 10 yeah the 10 is the most firm yes was it fun but I’m gonna put it this minus button press Italy oh yeah you definitely feel it going down there’s an integrated smart scale which measures 18 types of data including BMI and muscle mass it takes a while to take all those measurements so now it’s time for a well-earned lie down so you’re on the mattress you’re looking very comfortable I want to live here what is it doing with the the data that it’s collected from you that we’ve already seen the dead data is combined to this application but when people first use this batteries we need the diffuse level based on your body shape your muscles were height right the first level is energy number three and then if I keep my change passwords then probably the number is changed accordingly the system is clearly recognizing when Daniel changes position but it seemed to have issues distinguishing between back and front sleeping positions the measurements come together to give you a score on what’s known as the Ansel experience index so close to 200 points the more quality and balance of life and sleep condition you have right now of course it’s quite difficult to properly test something like this on a show floor but how much potential does it have for improving Sleep Quality we all know if you don’t have the right mattress for you that’s going to ruin your sleep I mean it can give you a backache it can give you a shoulder ache the price of the ansil mattress and smart bed system ranges between five and seven thousand US dollars although we might one day see devices like these being used more often to help improve our sleep it might be a while before they’re affordable and accurate enough to benefit most of us.


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