Wrangling Wild Horses in the Mountains of Montana | Short Film Showcase

growing up I was definitely the most
interested in the ranch lifestyle
from the young age I just really enjoyed
riding horses and be in the outdoors
making lots of money isn’t my priority I
would rather live in a beautiful place
and do the things that I love my name is
Cameron Kelsey third generation dude
rancher I was born and raised here on
the nine quarter circle ranch outside of
Bozeman Montana we raised our horses in
the Clone World style of horsemanship
the horses spend year-round outside in
the elements fending for themselves and
grazing off the land and it’s pretty
damn tough for a horse out there these
elements so we move them down to lower
elevations in the wintertime and they
spend the winter months down there
grazing on the range in the springtime
we gather them up to let them back up to
the ranch
there’s an energy in the air that
morning when you open the gate
mostly the horses they know it’s time to
go to the summer pasture we’re just
ready and charging and I spent a long
winter and nobody’s ridden and the
horses haven’t been conditioned it’s
like sitting down most of the layer and
then open the gates and run in a
it’s tough to kick split out everybody
you could easily throw all those horses
on a truck and trailer and not ever
happy on a horse at all we do the
roundup because it’s a tradition
it’s more about the camaraderie than it
is about the practicality of it when you
got a herd of hundred and twenty horses
that you’ve raised and bred you can kind
of see the little cliques that they get
into each horse has its own personality
some are better at wrangling some are
better at leading a trail ride they know
me from a stranger they’re very smart
animal I prefer to be up here and and
being a solitary man I guess I don’t
like to depend on other people to do
things so if I need food I go hunting if
I need you know a bed I build it I’m not
really a cowboy I have more of a
horseman the way I would phrase it you
got there right across the country you
had nobody to bug you it’s just you and
the horse and and the herd in front of
you not many people get to do that sort
of thing
it’s always a little unsettling yeah six
or eight Wranglers that have never been
on your horses we don’t know how they
ride a lot of responsibility picking off
horses that they’re riding and which
putting them on so that’s what makes me
more nervous it’s making sure that
they’re safe and we’re still getting the
job done
I remember one morning I’m riding a Colt
one time really young horse had only
been ridden four or five times prior we
were going up the trail and there was a
log that had a fork in it he just
happened to step in the wrong spot and
ended up just breaking his leg I was
still on his back he’s just laying there
all tangled up in this log and I happen
to have a gun at the time
three minutes ago I was riding this
and now he’s did it it hit me pretty
hard it was kind of like wow what
happened there
yeah it was it was hard to deal with uh
it was you know it was actually a horse
that I had like two or three days before
that kind of talk to my dad about
keeping him as my own horse and and then
I said you know everything comes and
I love this lifestyle and I wouldn’t say
it makes me more of a man it does it
depends on your definition of what being
a man is Mother Nature doesn’t really
care if you’re Camryn Kelsey or the
president it’s still going to do
whatever is gonna do people get really
big egos I mean you’re nothing you’re
just another man doing what every other
man before you is done no no my dad I
mean I know where I’m at in my place and
what I do