
Caillou – Caillou’s Suitcase (S02E18) | Videos For Kids

you’re getting to be a big boy Caillou
suitcase is time to go yet mommy Caillou
was excited because he and his family
were going on a trip to the mountains as
soon as I finish the dishes we have to
pack then we can leave whoa
these suitcases were sure well hidden
here’s your suitcase Caillou Caillou was
pleased to have his very own suitcase
only big boys have suitcases I want to
pack my suitcase now well the sooner we
pack the sooner we leave no daddy I can
do it
here these buckles can be tricky there
Caillou was amazed at the inside of the
suitcase there were all sorts of places
to put things he couldn’t wait to put
all his things in it do we have enough
diapers for Rosie oh no I forgot to go
to the store I’ll go right away I won’t
be gone long when I get back I’ll help
you pack your suitcase okay okay hurry
Caillou couldn’t go on vacation without
his favorite teddy bear or his favorite
dinosaur Caillou thought he was
forgetting something important but what
Caillou could you come and get your
swimming gear please there’s no room
Caillou didn’t know what to do he
couldn’t seem to find a way to get
everything to fit in the suitcase
clothes Caillou tried with all his might
but he couldn’t get the suitcase to
close something would have to come out
he just couldn’t decide what to take out
of his suitcase he wanted to bring all
his favorite things on the trip
what are you doing Caillou I’m packing
my suitcase but it doesn’t work well it
sure looks like you put a lot of thought
into what you wanted to bring and that’s
very important but I think you packed
too many toys we’re only going away for
a weekend so you should only pack what
you need what are you gonna wear when we
go for a walk in the woods mommy help
Caillou pack the things he needed for
the trip
and of course they didn’t forget to pack
a few of Caillou’s favourite things do
we really need all of that I’m sure we
have more than enough mommy says to only
pack what you need and she’s right maybe
we don’t need this one how you help
daddy pack the car was just what they
needed for their trip and it was a
perfect fit try try again all week
Caillou had been waiting to go to the
beach and finally Saturday had arrived
come on Caillou
the sooner you finished your breakfast
the sooner we can get going okay mommy
oh here daddy can you blow this up let’s
go all right why don’t you grab what you
want to bring from your bedroom I want
to wear my new running shoes okay
are you sure you want to bring all these
toys to the beach yes mommy
can you tie my shoes we got a hurry
you’re getting to be such a big boy how
would you like to learn how to tie your
own shoes okay here I’ll show you first
we put one lace over the other and home
then we make a loop which we call a tree
and this other lace is the rabbit a
rabbit really sure he runs around the
tree and down his hole and see this shoe
is tied okay now you try first one lace
over the other mm-hmm now make the tree
that’s the rabbit now where does he run
it’s too hard do you want to try it once
more now you didn’t feel like trying
anymore he preferred to put on his old
shoes with the straps he was very good
at putting on those shoes like my old
here we go Rosie off to the beach
daddy can you watch Rosie while I put
these in the car okay
Oh mommy my foot hurts that’s because
you’ve outgrown those shoes here let’s
put on the new ones you know it’s okay
you didn’t figure out how to tie your
shoes the first time you could try again
when you feel like it I know mommy
finally here all right Rosie let’s get
some sunblock on you I wouldn’t want you
to get a sunburn and your next Caillou
ah a nice relaxing day at the beach what
could be better
let’s play catch daddy okay no wait I
want to fly my kite that’s a great idea
Caillou no I want to play baseball okay
baseball it is daddy I can see that are
you okay hey hold on here’s why you
tripped your shoelaces are untied I can
tie my own shoes holy showed me that’s
great can you show me sure um this is a
tree and the rabbit climbs the tree and
then goes around like this
hmm as I remember it the rabbit runs
around the tree and goes down his hole
why don’t you give it another try
Caillou couldn’t remember how mommy
showed him to tie his shoe he wanted his
daddy to do it for him
how you decided to build the biggest
sandcastle ever he wanted to show mummy
and daddy what a big sandcastle he could
build and Caillou wanted to show his
little sister all about building a big
sandcastle you fill the pail with San
Pat it down and turn it over
try Rosie I’ll do it oh how you couldn’t
understand why Rosie refused his help he
wanted her to listen to him ready go I
don’t think there’s enough wind right
perhaps if we try to get in a little
while one more time please
all right one more time go
mommy very good Caillou
you were right to keep trying come on
Rosie let’s go to the car okay Caillou
time to go okay daddy
the rabbit goes around the tree Oh
someone’s dawdling I’ll get him be back
in a second down the hall hey car you
we’ve got to get going home my shoe came
undone why don’t you let me tie them and
then you can practice in the car no
daddy I want to do it okay how about I
help you the rabbit goes around the tree
and down his hole okay now pull very
good Caillou I know you could do it if
you just kept trying how do you was
feeling very proud even though he
couldn’t do it all alone he had finally
succeeded in tying his shoe the new leaf
he’ll be here soon Caillou Caillou was
very impatient for grandpa to arrive
today grandpa Caillou and his daddy
we’re going for a walk in the woods hi
ready for our hike in the woods
hi dad would you like a cup of coffee
before we go hahaha I don’t think we
have time looks like someone’s in a
hurry to get going Caillou didn’t know
it yet but this was going to be a very
special walk in the woods come on
Caillou when your dad was a little boy
we’d go walking in the woods every fall
just before all the leaves fell to the
ground and then
play a little game your dad and I will
try and catch a falling leaf before it
touched the ground
why what’s a family tradition Caillou
it’s something that you do with your
family every year are you ready to give
it a try here I’ll show you my time
Caillou thought Leif catching was a
great game and looked up at the treetops
for another falling leaf there Caillou
nice try doh be disappointed Caillou
let’s try our luck a little further up
the path come on you two there’s a wind
stirring up might be plenty of leaves to
catch soon here they come
how’re you wanting to catch a leaf too
so he did exactly like gran fondo
Caillou didn’t exactly catch a falling
leaf this game was much harder than he
thought it would be can we try again
absolutely we have to keep trying until
we catch the perfect leaf Caillou tried
and tried again he wouldn’t stop until
he caught a leaf and he wanted it to be
the nicest leaf ever but he was tired
and he thought you would never catch a
leaf until you caught the most beautiful
to eat he had ever seen I’m proud of you
Caillou you caught your very first leaf
let’s put it in the scrapbook I’m going
to keep it forever can we do it again
next year daddy we sure can it’s a
tradition remember
Caillou and Rosie were having breakfast
one morning and Rosie wanted her Tiger
to have breakfast – oh well since you
are so good at feeding that Tiger why
don’t you give our big tiger his
breakfast as well our big tiger Gilbert
how you love feeding Gilbert
Gilbert I think you went outside but it
wasn’t Gilbert it was Sarah’s cat ollie
ollie that’s Gilbert’s food that’s the
second time you’ve done that this week
can you take Ollie home please and see
if you can find Gilbert okay Gilbert
ollie Gilbert came into our house and
tried to take all these food we were
bringing him home all he tried to take
Gilbert’s food
cai-you this is my cousin lee wuhn hello
hello Lee one thing with us for Chinese
New Year Caillou had never heard of
Chinese New Year’s before it’s the year
of the tiger a tiger we call the new
year the years of tiger but there isn’t
really a tiger there is a dragon though
a real dragon yes we’re going to see it
tomorrow would you like to come with us
to see the dragon at first Caillou
wasn’t sure if he wanted to see a real
dragon Caillou is excited that he was
going to see a real dragon but Sarah and
Lee would what is it it’s to wish you
lots of happiness in the new year and
that one is to wish you a long long life
do you want to help me put it up
mom Caillou said he wanted to see the
dragon tomorrow is that right would you
like to come with us to Chinatown
it’s where the dragon lives I’ll give
your mommy a call and ask her if it’s
okay then did you clean your room Sarah
yes mommy
we have to clean the whole house from
top to bottom for the new year why I
don’t know we just do did you get a
special new year coin today Lee would
have felt sorry for Caillou because he
didn’t get a special new year coin and I
Sarah if they could give him one sure
Caillou had never seen a special new
year coin before happy new year
Oh No it looks like the year of two
are you excited about going to Chinatown
with your friends Caillou yes mommy
Caillou was excited about going with his
friends but he was also a bit nervous
about seeing a dragon he wasn’t so sure
if he wanted to go anymore you must be a
bit scared about seeing a dragon so I
thought you would like the story about
the big friendly dragon that was one of
Caillou’s favourite stories once upon a
time there was a big friendly dragon who
lived in a forest all of his friends
would gather around and he would the
next day Caillou went to Chinatown with
his friends for a special New Year’s
meal would you pass me the jayati please
um could you pass them again please how
would you two like some more tongue
young yes here it comes
go ahead honey
here your joy I see that was pretty
clever mom I thought so too you can use
your fingers that means the Dragons
coming the Dragons coming the Dragons
coming are you not seeing the New Year
dragon and he wasn’t scared at all
because it was a friendly dragon