Caillou – Caillou Tries Karate (S03E01) | Videos For Kids

“Can we go to the park?” asks Caillou. “Perhaps a little later Caillou. I have to take Rosie to her swimming class now.” answers mom. “I want to go swimming too.” “Isn’t Leo coming over today?
Caillou had completely forgotten that he had a play date with Leo. “Yeah Leo is coming! “Leo is coming!”
Today was shaping up to be a great day. “I ’ll get it” Caillou calls out when he hears the phone ringing.
Caillou was very excited. He thought maybe would be Leo calling to tell him that he was on his way over
“Hello Leo. Oh , daddy it’s for you.” Thank you Caillou. Hello , oh hi. No problem at all, I’m glad I can help. Send Sarah over when she’s ready. Goodbye.” dad says on the phone. 
“Is Sarah coming over?” Caillou asks his dad his. “Actually yes, but not to play. Sarah’s mom has a bad cold so she asked me if I could take Sarah to her karate class a little later. “Karate class?” ” uh-huh. Karate!”
Karate seemed very strange to Caillou.
Caillou and Leo were very happy to be spending the morning together but they couldn’t wait to start playing.
“You’re not Caillou.” mom says to Leo. “I ‘m here mommy! We are bears in a cave!” Reply Caillou.
“Sarah, why are you still in your pajamas?” dad asks Sarah. “These aren’t my pajamas. It’s called a ghee. I wear it for my karate class.” “S illy me. I ‘ll be ready in just a minute. Why don’t you go show Caillou your karate ghee.”
“Hi Sarah. Caillou’s in his room, but be aware there are big bears and dark caves upstairs.” Mom says to Sarah.
“Caillou, are you in there?” she asks Caillou. “ Sarah!” H i! I can’t stay long. Your dad’s driving me to my karate class. I wanted to show you my karate ghee.” “You wear that for karate?” Leo asks Sarah. “U h-huh. S ee. H a! I need room to do my karate moves and  my ghee is comfortable. Your dad thought I was still in my pajamas.
Caillou and Leo were very impressed by Sarah’s karate demonstration.
“Sarah time to go!” Dad calls Sarah.” “I got to go, but I can come back after my class and show you a few more moves if you want. B ye.” says Sarah. “Wow!” Caillou and Leo say in unison. 
The karate lesson turned out to be fun for everyone.
“What’s that daddy” Caillou asks his dad. “I ‘m preparing a list of things I want to do today. Hmm… “W hat things?”
Mom interrupts, “I’m going to the store with Rosie. Would you like to come Caillou?” “No. I want to stay with daddy.”
Mom pours a cup of coffee and dad says, “Thank you.” “I want coffee too!” says Caillou. “Hmm, coffee is a bit strong for you Caillou.” says dad. Mom replies and says, ” but here is your very own cup you can pretend it’s coffee.” “Thank you mommy.” says Caillou. Caillou loved doing the same thing as his daddy.
“Oh oh! Look at the time. I better get started.” says dad. “Daddy!” Caillou calls out.
Caillou handed mom the list and she said, “hang on. Let me see the list for a second. H mm… fix this, and let’s add
make lunch. T here, now you can give this list to daddy Caillou. “Okay. Bye!”
“Bye honey! We’ll be back soon!”
Gilbert gets the list and starts chewing and playing with it. Caillou says, “no Gilbert! O h! G ive me that back. OH!” Caillou says while showing Gilbert a piece of string, ” here Gilbert. A h!
“Everything all right down there?” Dad asks Caillou from upstairs. “U h-huh!” Reply Caillou. 
Caillou thought his daddy’s face looked very funny. “Put that on my face daddy.” “Go and get your steps.”
“Okay now what daddy? T hat tickles… I look funny.” “O kay. Now what daddy?” “You can use this to wipe the foam off.” “Look! I ‘m shaving too.” “ Hey, are you copying me?” “Hey there mister in a hurry. You need to clean your face first.” “But gilbert took…” “…Don’t worry. You can get whatever it is later.”
But his mom had asked Caillou to give the list to his daddy.
“Look!” Caillou says to his dad while holding a wooden chair leg. “Just what we need. See this? I think your piece will fit just right. We’ll glue it back on.” Can I do it?” Caillou asks dad. “Squeeze gently.” replies dad.
Caillou was very proud to be helping his daddy.
“Achoo” Caillou sneezes loudly. “Bless you. This chair is dirty. We better clean it.” Says dad.
“And clean your nose too daddy.” ” I think it will look good right here.” “It will look good right here!” Caillou repeats. “Great job Caillou.” “I fixed the chair Gilbert!” says Caillou. “I think I’ll take a little newspaper break okay Caillou.” says dad. Caillou liked doing the same thing as his daddy. “I‘m taking a break too daddy.”
“Okay. Ready to go back to work?” Dad asks Caillou. “Yes.” “Then follow me.”
“I see you. What is it?” “It’s a washer. It goes in here.” “A washer goes here.” “Great job Caillou! We’ll have this box sorted in no time.” Caillou was proud of helping his daddy. 
“Hello we’re back!” says mom. “Me too… let me play daddy.” says Rosie.
“Sorry Rosie this is a job for Caillou and me.” Dad tells Rosie. “I’m helping daddy,” says Caillou.
“Hello there. Hmm what have you cooked us for lunch, nuts and bolts soup?” mom asks dad.
“Lunch?” dad questions.
“Mommy mommy.” Rosie calls out while holding dad’s list. “That’s daddy’s list!” says Caillou.
Mom replies, “oh, the list was missing. Just a minute Caillou. Rosie is trying to do something. 
“Rosie is trying to help us.” says dad. “Daddy look!” says Caillou. “Thank you Caillou.” Let’s see we did this and that and hey, making lunch wasn’t on there this morning. Nope I added it.
okay now everyone gets to make lunch. Look at this nice slice of tomato. Caillou really like doing the same thing
as his daddy. A nice tomato for mommy. But he liked helping his mommy too. Thank you Caillou.
Teddy have you seen my cards? Goodbye. Daddy where are my cards? Maybe Rosie is playing with them.
There’s one… the lion. Here let me fix your box. Caillou was disappointed. He wanted to play with the
cards. Are you looking for your cards? I know where you could find the whale. You do?
Mommy I saw it in the bathroom. The search was exciting. Where could the whale card be? Yay I found it.
Cock-a-doodle-doo. Thank you Rosie. Mine. No Rosie, it’s mine. Caillou did not want to hand
over the box of cards to Rosie. He was playing with it. What’s going on? It’s my turn to play with the cards. It looks like there are a lot of cards still missing. I can go find them and maybe Rosie can join you on your safari. Yay.
What’s a safari? When you are on a safari, you look around very carefully to spot animals. Caillou loved the idea. He decided to pretend the missing cards were all real animals to find.
Come on Rosie. Let’s go on a safari. Look like a snake. Caillou and Rosie kept their eyes open. Where were the animals going to show up? Next. They liked pretending to be the animals. They found a crocodile. Caillou liked crocodiles because they were big and strong. Dinner is ready you two… But Caillou and Rosie wanted to continue
their safari. Come on Caillou. You can play some more later. I’m not Caillou. I’m a crocodile. Really? That’s too bad because Caillou will miss one of his favorite foods. Hamburgers. Ah, hamburgers.
Look daddy, it’s really me, Caillou. 
Faster. Whoa there Caillou. Daddy. You know my friend Jonas lives on a ranch with lots of horses. Would you like
to meet him? Is he a cowboy? He sure is. I want to go. Okay first thing tomorrow morning. Oh boy! Meeting a real cowboy sounded so exciting, that Caillou could hardly wait for tomorrow.
I’ll go find Jonas. Here Caillou take these carrot sticks. You might want them later. Caillou wasn’t interested in the carrots. All he could think about was meeting a cowboy. So, this is my friend Jonas. Hi! Hi there partner. Would you like a tour of the ranch? Yes please! Caillou had never seen a real cowboy before. He was very impressed.
Why thank you little lady. I think Rosie would rather look for flowers. We’ll leave you cowboys to your
business. Have you ever seen a lasso before Caillou? Wow…
Caillou was amazed by the tricks Jonas could do. I gotcha. Good thing we caught that tree stump before it got away.
Look Caillou. That’s a big horse daddy. That’s a pony. Horses are even bigger. I‘ll bring one out from the stable.
Caillou couldn’t imagine how much bigger a horse could be. Look out it’s raining hay. Daddy! The sound of the horse startled Caillou. Maybe he doesn’t want us playing with his food. Really? No Caillou. Only joking.
Here comes the horse daddy. Caillou couldn’t believe how big the horse was. He felt a little scared.
Caillou, this is lucky. Come on, we’ll meet him together. Hi lucky. I think he likes you.
What’s this? Carrots. You know, lucky loves carrots. Do you want to give him some? Yes. I like carrots too.
A cowboy’s number one job is to take care of his horse. Ow! It’s prickly. That’s because it’s especially made for
horse hair. Good work. Let’s check his shoes. Shoes?
Caillou thought it was funny that horses wore shoes too. Sometimes they need to wear them. I keep a few extra pairs over there if you want to take a look. Caillou decided he liked his shoes better.
Hear that? Caillou pretended he was riding a horse. Faster horsey. That gives me an idea partner. I‘ll be right back
with a surprise. Why don’t we find mommy and Rosie so they can see the surprise too. Hmm… I wonder where Rosie is. She was here a minute ago. Wow. I thought you’d like to go for a ride Caillou.
Hang on Caillou. Come on Rosie. Don’t be scared Rosie. Lucky is a nice horse. There you go lucky. And we’re off…
Caillou thought lucky was very strong to be able to pull everyone. Would you like to drive Caillou? Okay. Caillou is a little nervous, but he really wanted to try driving the wagon. I‘m driving daddy! Now you look like a real cowboy.
I hope you had a good time. Here’s a souvenir. Wow, thanks. Bye partner. Now you can have some carrots.