
Caillou – Caillou is Afraid in the Dark (S01E09) | Cartoon for Kids

Story time, kids. This all happened when Caillou was just three years old. Today’s story is called “Caillou is Afraid in the Dark.”
“Good-night Caillou, have sweet dreams. Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite,” his mom said.
“Okay. Sleep tight… don’t let the bed bugs bite. Bed bugs…. ohhhh… Mommyyyy…” Caillou called out.
“Caillou, what’s wrong?” his mom asked. “Bugs, Mommy…” Caillou replied.
“There, all gone. They were just shadows.” “But what about the scratchy monster?” “I don’t hear a scratchy monster.” “There is a scratchy monster in here… He’s making scratchy sounds.” “I’m sure you think you heard something… But there’s no need to be afraid of monsters. Do you know why? Because monsters aren’t real. They’re just make-believe. Good-night dear.”
“I’m not afraid of monsters, I’m not afraid of monsters…” Caillou repeated to himself. But then he heard a noise.
“Daddyyyyy…” “It’s okay, Caillou,” his mom reassured him. “It’s just your toy snaky.” “Yes, but there was a flying monster… And the scratchy monster… It’s in my room,” Caillou replied, still feeling scared.
“You probably just imagined you heard something, Caillou. I can’t find anything,” his mom said, trying to calm him down. “But the scratchy monster… He went krsh-krsh-krsh,” Caillou insisted. His dad chimed in, “Try listening to the music box. It’ll make happy sounds for you while you sleep…” “Goodnight, Caillou,” his mom said, tucking him in.
But Caillou couldn’t shake off his fear. “Mommyyy… Daddyyy… The scratchy monster, he’s got me. Hellllpp,” he cried out. His parents rushed back to his room. “Aaaaaaa… a two-headed monster,” Caillou exclaimed. “There was, the music box, I heard a… eeeee, and a scratching noise and a… His dad interrupted, “The wind was making the tree branch hit the window. That’s what was making the scary noise.” His mom added, “See, darling? Sometimes ordinary things can seem scary. So the scratchy monster was just the tree?”
Caillou looked over and saw his cat, Gilbert. “Look… The scratchy monster. It wasn’t a monster, it was just Gilbert, that cat.”
“You’ll be able to sleep fine now, dear… With a little help from Teddy,” his mom said, handing him his teddy bear.
“I hope there won’t be any more scary sounds,” Caillou said, snuggling with Teddy.
“I know how Teddy can help make sure there won’t be any more scary sounds,” his dad assured him.
“Goodnight, Caillou,” his parents said, leaving the room.