
Burning Low | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

yeah and you understand
yeah I understand
then sometimes you want someone and you
want to kiss them and be with them but
you can’t because responsibility demands
sacrifice what are you trying to say I’m
I’m trying to say that you’re a hero
Finn you’re my hero so I’m glad you
understand why you can’t be with Flame
Bubble Gum I can’t do this anymore what
now you like me Finn what are you
talking about what am I talking about
pimi I was
I was in love with you okay
and you didn’t love me back now I’m
ready to move on and it’s like
you’re gonna build me up all over again
well I’m done
I’m done
oh no
bacon pancakes making bacon pancakes
take some bacon and I’ll put it in a
pancake bacon pancakes that’s what it’s
gonna make bacon pancakes Finn Jake
where’s Finn is he with Flame Princess
back off bubble gum that’s his man’s Biz
is he with her or not
you heartless monster do you have any
idea how much he’s cried over you Finn
deserves to be happy even if his
blooping face gets burned off you should
be ashamed
you’re sick what are you this isn’t
about some petty love triangle Flame
Princess is physically unstable her
Elemental Matrix can’t handle extreme
romance Club if Finn tries to kiss her
she’ll burn so hot she’ll melt right
through the planet’s crust down through
the molten core then she’ll be thrown
back and forth by gravity until she
burns out the world from the inside why
do you think I had her father keep her
locked up
will you take me to them
your emissions are what I’ve been
missing no
oh a Flame Princess
Ben there’s no time you have to are you
all right
clean princess ah it’s hot wait wait
don’t move this is good if you stay on
the hole for 24.8 seconds the reaction
will be deprived of oxygen
she’ll go out
what about Finn hey what’s wrong please
say something
please I need you to be okay
come on
are you okay I’m okay I’m okay
she’s stabilized we’re safe
for now
oh Finn
shut up