
Beyond this Earthly Realm | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

better get back in the spirit hole Dead
one yeah okay
oh bolts
oh my what the cave how the
weird that’s weird but one of us though
come on Ebbs Ice King Ice King where’d
you go Simon
Ice King
everyone sing my song of Joy the child
of man who touched the lamb is soon to
be my new best friend all to me can’t
you see for I will never set him free I
had no bro in all of you but now I’ve
got one Finley too come on what happened
you fell right into for my brilliant
plan that I formed out of the thin air
like a true Magi not only did I get you
to remove those horrible creatures from
my castle but now you’re trapped and
only I can see you so if you want
I’m gonna reopen the hole no wait my
plan fell apart my new plan is that you
don’t open the hole and I destroy the
porcelain lamb which will bring you back
to the material plane
give me that lab no
Ben’s trapped in here that’s why I have
to smash it you dunk I will smash you
I want your body I was gonna start up on
the elliptical again but I got depressed
okay don’t look at me
ah they’re touching me for real great
now we’re both stuck in here Ben give me
your clothes
I need a buffer oh geez come on
I’m sorry I’m sorry they were just
touching me on the body I’m sorry whoa
do that again I’m sorry I’m sorry they
were touching my body
your hand is affecting the TV we must
have some kind of subtle effect in the
material plane cool
what do you think fam can we pull back
the veil of static and reach into the
source of all being behind this curtain
of patterns this random pattern
oh clever right here in every home
watching us from a one-sided mirror
whoops they’re just wizard talking to
myself it’s okay but let’s use our
subtle influence to break the lamp yeah
I you mean like this
oh foreign
is that you
that was beautiful
let’s go flush this in the sacred
that weird light
hey Ben then my dress is slipping
huh listen LSP we gotta be careful
my dress
hi fan
she’s stuck in there we gotta bust
through this wall
I know you couldn’t resist me fan
a lump I took it too far
my powerful lumps have turned fan into a
Grody monster get away
that was so crazy what just happened oh
my bubblegum sent us on the quest to
destroy these cursed mirrors evil stuff
happens when you look into them a club I
had to look because I looked so good LSP
you don’t need a mirror to know you look
beautiful on the inside like
your brain and stuff
thanks for saying that stuff and for
saving me from those murrios that was
pretty nice
okay time to write gonna make this
trashy Turtle Princess yeah
what is he doing out there sometimes
after an adventure he likes to sit out
there and think
hey girl hello hey girl are you almost
done with your book oh I’m working on it
I’ve been doing so much research did
Finn fall victim to your lumps
um yeah great bring in your manuscript
right away click
yeah a book about how I’m hot and Finn
only wants he’s so hot
well spaghetti her ploop
You’re Beautiful on the inside
Ben has the hottest lumps but it has
lumps are on the inside yeah
this isn’t what you said it’d be about I
know I
Ben you’ve probably been wondering where
I’ve been for the last few hours oh yeah
yeah I have fan I was never really your
secretary Finn I was writing a book
about how you were a slave to my lumps
because I’m so hot Finn oh okay but
you’re the one who’s hot Ben wow thanks
no thank you
LSP you’re wearing garbage for clothes
