
Betty & Simon | Adventure Time | Cartoon Network

base down
a move the base a down be reasonable
yes maasi it’s me Simon I’m back but my
body my donk out soon so get to the ice
kingdom fast and help me with this time
portal so I can find Betty and say I’m
sorry before I quote both I know that’s
a lot to process but hurry and bring
hambo hambo is the key okay
a long long time ago Simon was my only
friend he was there when I needed help
all he ever wanted was to find Betty and
now I can help him
I thought I’d never see you again I
likely believe it myself you’re all
grown up believe she’s like a million
years old one million years how could it
be he’s just kidding I’m only a thousand
and still looking good do you remember
anything from when you were the Ice King
nothing specific just dream like
Impressions do you still have
Impressions from all the times we flip
your bricks I have bruises
excuse me
man Simon I’m fine you’re dying well yes
but only in increments I’ve still got
work to do
Finn and Jake will you run my generator
great keep pedaling all we need now is
the Catalyst an object from the past
that has been lovingly tended to Through
the Ages
ah goodbye hambo
because of you I can say goodbye to
Betty and tell her I’m sorry for driving
her away
thank you Marceline
where’s my daddy where’s my princess
Simon don’t leave me like this
Simon what is going on I’m a thousand
years in the future love I open this
portal so we could say goodbye you’re
dumping me no it’s just that everything
changed after I put on that Crown I went
crazy you ran away I I never saw you
again but where would I go without you
I’ll never know I don’t understand you
don’t seem crazy now I mean in the
future the portal is closing there’s no
time to explain just know that I love
you and I forgive you for leaving me
Simon I know who I’m leaving you for oh
you dum dum Simon
what’s wrong are you sick no I’m old the
crown was keeping me alive but its magic
was negated by the creature Bella Noche
don’t die Simon I just got here oh I’m
sorry buddy I know I’ll fix the crown
and then I’ll figure out how to fix you
what no guys stop her
um yeah but kind of sounds like a good
idea right whoever you are
I’m sorry it’s the only way no okay rug
take me to Bella Noche