
Beautiful Hummingbirds in Slow Motion | BBC Earth

what’s so cool about filming
hummingbirds in slow motion is you can
really make out what their wings are up
to I just couldn’t resist rim to get a
slow-mo camera and giving it a go and
that’s kind of really showing what I’d
like to see they’re so precise in their
action they can find the flower really
nicely but actually they’re really
efficient flies when they’re flying
backwards as well almost just as
efficient as their forward flight if I
can see that in slow-mo I’ll be a happy
happy boy
I was cool I think I rather like me
until I was just laying there camera now
has 800 frames a second and I wasn’t
sure if its new fastest bird GSP no
wings so fast these guys are real
masters of flight it’s quite
extraordinary when they’re flying all
you can really see is their body because
they’re able to keep it incredibly still
and they have to keep it still to be
able to get that really thin beak into
really thin flowers be able to find that
nectar it really living life in the fast
lane in fact their heart has to go
thousand beats a minute just to pump
that blood around so they can fly so
efficiently but it is thirsty work they
have to drink every ten minutes or so
they consume about 10 calories a day
which doesn’t sound very much but when
you only weigh of a couple of grams has
quite a lot
oh really see those wings going to town
they’re just the basic story things
they’re not much bigger than a large
Hornet really and for a long time
scientists thought their wings worked in
a very similar way to insects where this
is a figure of eight pattern so they get
lift on both the downstroke like a
normal bird and the upstroke because
they can invert their wings and moving
backwards but actually recently it’s
been found out that they do get some
lift up the earth stroke only about 25%
of that lift and 75% still with the
downstroke but that’s still much more
than any other bird it’s been incredible
and they’re still flowing now like light
is going very quickly
but they’re still flowing all around us
um I’m quite excited I have got a little
idea that we would love to do if you’re
right for time water and hummingbirds in
slow motion