
Bear Fights to Save Her Cubs (Episode 8) | wild_life with bertie gregory

this is so cool so I just came around
the corner I found this female on the
beach here and I thought I recognized
that this is the mum and Cubs I saw in
the rain last time and they’ve come back
to the very same stretch of beach even
though she’s very protective of her cubs
as long as she knows I’m on the water
she doesn’t mind me here if they
recognize my human silhouette but don’t
see that I’m in a boat it looks to them
like I’m on land and then they’ll bolt
straight up into the forest as long as
I’m on the water and she’s on the beach
she’s completely relaxed what’s really
funny is when the little Cubs I don’t
see her mums wandered off and then as
soon as they realize this and they stick
their head up no bound like little puppy
dogs after the cub stayed close to Mum
because there are things on this coast
that want them dead but their biggest
threat might be surprising it’s another
black bear specifically a big male
breeding black bear
the female managed to chase her the male
bear away it’s been a pretty crazy few
minutes for this female bear he
obviously wanted to see if he could mate
with her because that’s what male bears
tend to like doing but cuz she’s got
she’s got no interest in meeting and
that male bear would actually be a risk
to her cubs because if he spotted those
cubs he’d want to kill them so that the
female then comes back into heat and he
actually can mate with her and father
his own offspring actually that said I’m
not entirely sure where the Cubs have
gotten off to so I was looking for the
Cubs all up in the forest here and there
all of a sudden I was like ah they’re
there and they’re right on this diagonal
logs here that is amazing
he must have booked it right up the tree
when they heard the fight these Cubs are
awesome climbers but all black bears are
great climbers the reason climbing keeps
the Cubs safe is that they can get
higher and on to thinner branches than
the heavier adults so even if the female
can’t chase off the male bears if the
Cubs have a head start to the treetops
there isn’t much the male can do so Cubs
in the treetops means the female has
done her job and kept them safe at least
for now in a year the Cubs would be much
bigger and that’s when things can get
pretty tense this is a big adult female
on the left and this is a cubben and see
the Cubs pretty big it’s probably about
a year and a half old and this is a
confusing time for her she’s big enough
to fend for herself so mums kicking her
out you can see the Cubs kind of stuff
in two minds because part of it wants to
stay with the protection of mum but mums
being really really aggressive you can
see they keep turning around and coming
back being like oh maybe she’ll let me
hang out
it’s just how incredible to be in such a
wild place
still find like family situations that
you can kind of relate hey Ron how’s it
going thanks so much for watching if
this is the first time at seeing this
melon and you’d like to see some more
you can click in the playlist just here
to see the rest of the series make sure
you check back for more episodes next
