Baby Penguin Transfer | Snow Chick: A Penguin’s Tale | BBC Earth

then at last some weary figures appear
utterly exhausted by the walk the mother
still has one final challenge before she
can meet her chick
finding him
there are over 3 000 fathers with chicks
here and even to penguins they all look
the same
for the chick
time is running out
but the penguins have a solution
the fathers get in line
and dad and his chick join them
they form an identity parade
all she has to do
is simply work her way along the line
simple enough
but among all the penguin look-alikes
her partner is still tricky to recognize
so every so often she stops and calls
her cry is unique
and the father responds with a call of
his own
it’s what she was hoping to hear
after two months at sea and a 100
kilometer trek across the ice she’s made
it back in the nick of time
in a miracle of natural timing
he gets a morsel that will save his life
it’s now his mother’s turn to take over
the child care
but they must be careful
a few seconds too long on the ice and
their chick will die
they unite as a family
the bond they share
is one of the most remarkable in nature
for over the next five months they’ll
take it in turns to trek to the sea to
bring back food for their ever growing
his father endured so much to get the
tiny chick this far
saying goodbye is hard
this time there’s no looking back
in four weeks he will return with fresh
but first there’s the little matter of a
200 kilometer round trip to the sea