
Baby Parrots Rescued From Smugglers | Jungle Animal Hospital | BBC Earth

wildlife trafficking often takes place
under the cover of darkness
one of the most common methods for
smuggling animals out of the forest
is by public transport
the vets from the rescue center are
trying to combat the trade
by working with the authorities at
checkpoints on the main routes out of
the jungle
it is breathing season for all the
parrots and some of the mammals as well
so there is a very high chance that a
lot of little baby orphans
that have been taken away from their
mothers or away from their nests
are going to be found in one of these
vehicles tonight
as the operation goes on the officers
find more and more baby parrots
this batch were hidden in the hold of
the bus
a young couple is apprehended and taken
into custody
this kind of scenario is quite common
for someone to get a bird
into their bag and try to transport it
in a bus because that’s easy money for
illegal easy money
it’s our job to protect the animal an
animal now becomes evidence
and that evidence is under our care
these baby parrots are the lucky ones
they’ll be given the best possible
chance to be free again
whenever new patients arrive at the
rescue center the first job
is to get them checked in
the priority for now is to rehydrate and
feed these baby parrots
after their traumatic journey out of the
as long as we can undo their
we will have a very good chance of
success with this guys we can still
teach them how to be proper parrots and
not how to depend on humans
in one month alone the centre can
receive over a hundred baby parrots
we do tend to get a lot of baby parrots
in it’s the season when they start
and that’s the time when it’s very easy
for people to grab them
it’s really really sad and it’s
unfortunately quite common
most baby parrots never even make it to
the vast majority die on root
the way the people carry these animals
is completely inhumane they’re
wrapped up in plastic bags they usually
can’t breathe and that is why there’s a
lot of fatalities
up to 70 80 percent of the animal diet
in transit in order for people to please
and that is
that’s just it just makes you angry
if all goes well in two years time these
baby pirates will be returned to the