
Arctic Tern Chick vs Polar Bear | Seasonal Wonderlands | BBC Earth

it’s now Late
July and the last of sart’s Summer
visitors are only just settling
in Arctic turns have come all the way
from the other end of the Earth from
Antarctica the longest migration of any
animal over 30,000
kilomet but in 3 weeks they’ll have to
fly all the way back
again and their chicks have only just
hatched in only 21 days
time this ball of fluff will need to fly
km but it’s well worth the parents
traveling all this
spal bir’s Super Rich Waters contain all
the energy
required all they have to do is
transport it from Ocean to
as the adults fish
nonstop sometimes they have to leave a
chick on its
own and because turns nest on the
ground that can make it
vulnerable the retreating sea ice has
now forced fart’s largest Predator onto
land and it’s coming this
way now is the toughest time for polar
bears it loses a kilo of body weight for
every day it spends on the
land the great ice bear turns
scavenger and he’s
starving not a good moment to break your
cover but the chicks cries for help have
heard turns may look dainty but they are
highly aggressive and totally
Fearless repeated attacks draw blood
from the Bear’s sensitive
nose the arctic’s top
predator driven Away by one of its
smallest Birds